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Date Posted: 18:17:20 01/27/02 Sun
Author: Predator
In reply to: FROM PUNISHER 's message, "TO SNAKE AND PREDATOR" on 16:47:32 01/27/02 Sun

:lights go dark:
::huge red pyro blinds the crowd::
::look in my face step in my soul::

:predator runs to the ring:

:predator swings his sledgehammer at the punisher taking his right leg out from under him:

:then picks him up and gives him the spinning bandal chaggi:

:youth of the nation hits the pa:

:iwao rus down the ramp to the ovation for the crowd:

:predator picks up punisher and throws him into the rops where iwao does an amazing jump spin wheel kick:

:predator then reaches down and sinks in the prowl as iwao raises his hands in the turnbuckle making the crowd rise to their feet:

:predator grabs the mic:

Predator: punisher first of all i dont even have a title right now, so get your facts straight before you come out here and challenge me, but you are right i will be the champ soon....the hardcore tag title champ and the death match champ, but guess what you arent even close to being in my class or iwao's class so you get NO match with me, it would be pointless as i would kick your #ss easily, big shot, rvd, and bolt take a message about this because come mondy this is what iwao and i will do to you as we take your titles and your pride, we will break you mind body and SOUL

:hands the mic to iwao:

Iwao: scotty, monday you face the greatest light heavyweight fighter ever and monday you will lose your title, tommorrow is not about sending a message like saturday was, the world now knows that i am team corporate and now my goal is to take your belt, and I WILL, consider yourself the next victim of the asian assassin!

:lights go dark:
::huge red pyro blinds the crowd::
::look in my face step in my soul::

:iwao slaps hands with the audience as predator walks up the ramp with an intense look on his face:

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