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Date Posted: 11:15:13 01/21/02 Mon
Author: Captain Ein
Subject: The Captain sat on the bridge...

...he was finishing the over all check list of the bridge systems, making sure weapons were online, navigation was up and running, the usual thing you would do on a star ship before leaving dock. Ein went through the computer systems, making sure everyhting was in order, though, he didn't know why he was doing a check for a crew of 700, when as of right now, his ship only housed himslef, and two others, oh, and the ships Diagnostic drone.

Ein continued to go over systems when the Diagnostic Drone poped down fomr the roof and hovered beside him.

Anything I can do for you Captain? The Diagnostic drone said in a hint of an english accent.

No thank you Gidiam. The captin replied. Though, you could do down to engineering and help Chilly get the engines up to full power.

The Diagnostic drone, in a way, bowed, and flew back up into the roof from where he just came. Ein continued to go through ships systems when another of his crew mates entered into the room. He was a Transformer, or to be more exact, a MAximal, a techno-organic tiger.

You know I'd help you Ein, the tiger began as he transformed into robot mode but I'm security! The maximal gave out a heafty laugh.

It's okay Thrasher. If you can't help me here, go to your station and make sure we have all weapons arrays up and running.

Ein gave a smile as Thrasher laughed again and went to his station. Ein knew it was gonna be one of those missions...

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