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Date Posted: 15:44:20 01/28/02 Mon
Author: Skyclonus and Aquaine
Subject: New Recruits..
In reply to: Captain Ein 's message, "The Captain sat on the bridge..." on 11:15:13 01/21/02 Mon

Before the captain, two new recruits. Skyclonus, the self-acclaimed clone of the ancient Decepticon, Cyclonus. He was one of those new Decepticons. You know, those ones that are smaller then they're namesakes, but refuse to follow Predacon ways.

This one, although, was a transmetal. Meaning, that he had a beast shape, but was totally in-organic. His vehicle form something like a futuristic jet by the looks of it.

His armour were of blues and purples and silvers, and looked something like the shiney metal on some sort of toy. And, in fact, the head on his chest and the tail he had, ending with a fin, along with that large pointed dorsal fin on a type of cannon on his shoulder was a dead giveaway that his beast mode. A shark.

He saluted with his right hand.

Sir! Skyclonus reporting for duty! Skyclonus said a bit loud.

And becide him the lovely Aquaine.
She wasn't a Decepticon. She looked the part of being a bad girl, but was actually a maximal. The ensignia on her left arm proved this fact.

She too, was a shark, but was more organic. Her mouth was completly conceiled in her helmet. In fact, her whole body was clad in light sea blue armour, very aero-dynamic and smooth.

I am your new medic, sir. Aquaine softly breathed.

They awaited they're new commanders command..

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