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Date Posted: 07:06:53 04/17/02 Wed
Author: Mathew
Subject: Why are we not getting any attention when we travel from Middle East to Trivandrum

The answer is our behaviour. I am not talking on decent Malayalee travellers. Many passengers don't know the etiquette of air-travelling. Last summer, I was travelling from Toronto to Trivandrum, journey upto Middle East was easy. Then atmosphere, attitude of air-crew, everything changed.

Passengers carrying cartoons, ackward sizes of boxes and handbags got in. Eventhough there was enough time to secure their seats, all are rushing to get-in and grabbing their seats as if someone will snatch their seats. The announcements (inside the plane) was in Arabic and English as if every passenger should know the Middle Eastern language. Before the seat-belt sign was off, one passenger asked for liquor. There was no Malayalam songs in their channel music. Me, as a passenger from North America, wondering what was happening.

After 3 - 4 hours of flight, the plane was about to land in Trivandrum. Immediately after the pilot's announcement came, few of my co-passengers got up and tried to take their hand bags from the overhead locker. Pilot warned them to sit down untill the plane completely stops.

My goodness, I thought the people are showing the same behaviour like getting outside a transport bus. They are thinking that they paid enough for air-travelling and air-crew were just servants to obey their commands. The greed for buying liquor is visible. May be that is the reason for not serving free liquor in that sector. Even if, the crew misbehave (in their words or deeds), no one complain, accepting everything as their fate.

One time, I had to stay in Abu Dhabi airport for 10 hours. As per IATA rule, I was eligible for accommodation. When I asked the airline they said NO. I went and talked to their big boss. Room was ready. Even the behaviour of ground crew in Trivandrum is not polite. Like cattle getting inside the truck for slaughtering, poor Malayalees are travelling in Middle Eastern sector.

Keralites know how to obtain their rights at home. Then my question is why they are treated as second class citizens while travelling this sector.

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