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As a few of you are aware I lost my best friend, companion, lover and soul mate about three and a half years ago. We were together for 8 years, first as friends, then best friends, lovers and ultimately soul mates.
After he passed I wrote this poem the only one I have ever written and dedicated it to James whom I love with all my heart with all that I am and shall continue to do so not only til I draw my last breath but then beyond for Love like God is Forever.
I have been running on empty for over three years, my absolute belief in our spirituality which I attempted to express in Journey's Respite has often been the only thing that kept me going.
I Love James and I most definitely was in Love with him. Justy bud I was not in love with you but you were a kind, beautiful human being and I Love you. I'm positive that James won't mind at all if I dedicate these same words to you my Okie friend ..
To both of you - I'll see yu'all when I see yu'all!
Shrouded by a Divine Veil Your Spirit everlasting With our Lord without a doubt 'Till that day 'Till that day Remembrance of hugs and joy 'Till we're together again Forever My Love
James won't mind me sharing these feelings and including Justin and I'm sure Justy will understand and won't mind if I leave the dedication and link to James' page as I'm just not capable of changing that
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