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As a few of you are aware I lost my
>best friend, companion, lover and soul mate about
>three and a half years ago. We were together for 8
>years, first as friends, then best friends, lovers and
>ultimately soul mates.
After he passed I wrote
>this poem the only one I have ever written and
>dedicated it to James whom I love with all my heart
>with all that I am and shall continue to do so not
>only til I draw my last breath but then beyond for
>Love like God is Forever.
I have been running
>on empty for over three years, my absolute belief in
>our spirituality which I attempted to express in
>Journey's Respite has often been the only thing that
>kept me going.
I Love James and I most
>definitely was in Love with him. Justy bud I was not
>in love with you but you were a kind, beautiful human
>being and I Love you. I'm positive that James won't
>mind at all if I dedicate these same words to you my
>Okie friend ..
To both of you - I'll see
>yu'all when I see
>color="#800000" size="3">
>color="#800000" size="3">hrouded by a Divine
>color="#800000" size="3">our Spirit
>color="#800000" size="3">ith our Lord without a doubt
>color="#800000" size="3">ill that day
>color="#800000" size="3">ill that day
>face="Arial" size="5" color="#000080">R
>face="Arial" color="#800000" size="3">emembrance of
>color="#800000" size="3">ill we're together again
>face="Arial" size="5" color="#000080">F
>face="Arial" color="#800000" size="3">orever My Love
>color="#000080" size="3">
rel=nofollow target=_blank >href=""> > |
James won't mind me sharing these
>feelings and including Justin and I'm sure Justy will
>understand and won't mind if I leave the dedication
>and link to James' page as I'm just not capable of
>changing that