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Date Posted: 14:43:51 06/26/02 Wed
Author: Lizai
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Subject: OOC
In reply to: Detruisent 's message, "][ oh ][ dear ][" on 11:44:26 06/26/02 Wed

Ohh, boy. We've got trouble. Trui and Skajira have met at last. *runs and hides* WE'RE DOOOOOMED! Or at least, everybody except the blackbloods is, unless the silvers can turn out some characters equally cool, which is unlikely, but still! *gets moving*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> you seem to be mistaken... -- tearless, 17:04:24 06/26/02 Wed (

because i am not for sale...not for any price.

bitter eyes glide over the build of this additional, intrusive swine, transferring the intuition that she no longer has awareness alert upon her aggressor, but looks can be illusory. her bulk is rigid with uncluttered resentment, abhorrence unconcealed for the intervention of her impending termination…the demise she liberally recognizes. she flips her eyes back to skajira, her eyes, appearance, and very body idiom cackling at him, ridiculing him, describing him as a dupe. “what a coincidence that another stallion suddenly appears. are you thinking of ambushing me, skajira? perhaps you believe that you cannot handle me on your own?” unadulterated hilarity, derision, and indeterminate pits of repulsion film her voice and transport the language that plummet from her lips as freezing as ice, her component, her only fascination (besides Mercury, but he doesn’t count.) “foolish beast,” this remark is aimed at detruisent, the dense beast who is producing all of this uncertainty. “you will have to come and deal with skajira at another time. i’m afraid that we are in the middle of a dispute. i do not appreciate being interrupted, and i’m sure that skajira doesn’t appreciate it either…he was just about to eat.” she comments with desiccated comedy, eyes and facade withdrawing underneath an impassive visage.

do you think you scare me? well you’re wrong. i don’t even know the meaning of fear…but you do.

(thanks for interfering when i specifically asked you to leave it alone. i really appreciate it. really. *sarcastic voice*)

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