ebony limbs deliver crimson bod once again to the intrigueing region. toss of cranium exhibited before sharp snort is emitted through narrow nares. a deffience in ebony oculi that could not be ignored, as well as a hellish fire that burned brighter than the wretched sun that blazed down apone the insect alluring pelt. bruja may not stay long, but who could really tell, for surely not even the hellish demoness knew for sure what plans were twisting about in her dark mind.
-*-Infinitesimally evil mahogany brute slips out of his cloak of shadows long enough to give this fatale a long, hard look.
Suddenly he cuts around her front, blocking further movement with his devastating form. Dark nares flare with excitement, releasing curls of hot breath. You escaped me last time, dear lady, but not today.-*-