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Date Posted: 12:55:09 07/01/02 Mon
Author: Skajira
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Subject: -*-Success?-*-
In reply to: Ikkitarita 's message, "~~~ Sands Of Time~~~" on 15:46:00 06/19/02 Wed

[Just a coupla things- I really appreciate your understanding, and the redo is great, and don't worry- Skaj will get injured as and when it seems appropriate. If he avoids injury where you feel he should get it, inform me immediately and I'll alter if I think you're bein' reasonable. :-}

I was just in a really pissy mood, and, stupidly enough, you're the one who flipped me over the edge. Shouldn't have been bitchy like that, but I was and I'm sorry. Also... erm... I don't intend to be snide or anything, and I really understand about not wanting characters to die, but I do have to point out that it was your (or Ikkitarita's) choice to do battle with a horse/panther Blackblood shapeshifter with Level 2 immortality. Please, for your own sake don't expect him to play nice!]

-*-Now pumping with the sheer adrenalin of the hunt, and hopefully the kill, he yowls sharply as he is rolled on by the stallion, with a snap or two indicating perhaps the odd cracked rib. But he is determined, ruthless and experienced; the pain becomes rage, which in turn becomes a killing imperative. Claws now unsheathed, he attempts to gain purchase on the equine's hide, to tear and hurt and blind with pain.-*-

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[> [> sands of time -- Ikkitarita, 10:05:11 07/02/02 Tue (

Stallion whinnies in rage as claws rake his white hide. Silver blood spills everywhere. Long raking wounds cover his back and sides from the cat's cruel claws. Two can play at a game of stregnth and rage. Stallion rears lethal hooves seeking for cat flesh and hide, he knows he is less expirianced and not as strong. But he'll win,if not this fight then the next, or die trying. Ivories seek cat hide as well. Hazel eyes fill with battlelight.

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[> [> [> hello? -- Tahle, 14:03:21 07/16/02 Tue (

hi,not trying to be abnoxious(sp?) but are you there?

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