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Date Posted: 21:10:59 06/19/02 Wed
Author: tearless
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Subject: the sky turns black when the evil fall...

and the rose turns pink when the innocent bleed.
i wonder what happens when the neutral become the victim...

jaded and unaccompanied by cohort who appears to have forsaken her in his instance of ‘public extraction’, the disconnected vixen meanders through spacious provinces until she discovers herself lost from the initial territory that she began within. cerebral snarling arises as she drives penetrating stare all through the region, her entire essence shrieking a brutal dare as her eyes slither lethargically over the others, impartial toward the detail that she is in the province underneath the authority of an assassin. she would be of no use to him, considering that her categorization as a red-blood would instigate her to remain in neutrality…but that does not imply that she would not fight for liberty should the need arise. apparently flawless in the department of strength, but an entire disappointment in tentativeness, she leers maliciously as her tail languorously slithers across lustrous haunches to chase away any pests that risk anguish her survival. she anticipates any response that the fiends in these lands may offer, impassive in her own individual security, but looking for a adventure.

however fools, do take caution…perfection is only skin deep…she may be flawless on the outside, yet within she is just as crazy and emotionally strained as any other in her disposition. deprived of love and compassion her whole life, she knows nothing of forgiveness.

(hum...*pats Tearless lovingly* don't mind her...i got bored. *smiles innocently and goes on with life*)

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[> -*-Observation-*- -- Skajira, 12:49:48 06/21/02 Fri (

-*-Keen killer arches neck, observing Redblood with clear gaze that states a fact. You will leave, you will join me, or you will die.-*-

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[> [> you do not know me... -- tearless, 12:29:45 06/22/02 Sat (

you cannot own me...
but i'll never run away.

she leisurely reroutes her concentration from the declining sun to the aggressive swine facing her, her lips embracing a sneer of complete hilarity. “i do hope that’s not how you court all of the mares that come into your land.” she remarks unperturbedly, her eyes apathetically transferring from his structure to the property surrounding them, building no progress to depart, nor any move to enroll in his intention.

(sorry for the short post…i didn’t really have much to go off on.)

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[> [> [> -*-I Never Claimed To-*- -- Skajira, 13:05:25 06/22/02 Sat (

-*-He tosses his head casually. No, darling, you're a special case.

Sliding back into the shadows as though beating a retreat, he slips into his panther form... and leaps.-*-

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[> [> [> [> you can stitch the tear but it will never be the same. -- tearless, 14:14:23 06/22/02 Sat (

you can douse the fire but you can't erase the flame.
the ignorant can always find a window they can smash, but a genius can't reassemble broken glass

mistrust is exemplified as he travels in the direction of the darkness, and the instant that he alters his form she is organized, having anticipated an assault from him the second that she reclined her eyes upon his haughty appearance. lissome structure is warped out of the route of ominous claws and daggers, her eyes gloomy pools of impatience. “do you attack everything that comes in peace within your lands? must you act so rashly toward what might have been a beautiful friendship?” she inquires of him vaguely, no panic portrayed even as she stares fatality in the face…it’s as she permanently required, a respectful termination that would be retaliated in one light or another. she lingers where she is audaciously, this time she would not evade whatever violence he might deliver upon her form. “you have lost all respect and honor over the years, haven’t you? at one point, you might have been honorable, but now you misuse your shape shifting form to destroy the defenseless. you give blackbloods a dirty name.” she enlightens him, her voice an icy, slithering murmur of unconcealed revulsion.

do you actually think i fear death like you do? well you’re wrong, i laugh in it’s face like i laugh in yours.

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[> [> [> [> [> ][ oh ][ dear ][ -- Detruisent, 11:44:26 06/26/02 Wed (

"You can fight, what else can you do?" The voice that interrupted their duel was obviously expecting the gift of their attention. A spanish stallion stood calmly and colectively despite the fact that his mind was flooded with so violent thoughts against the one who betrayed him. He had a plan -- to capture his best ally, turned traitor, and display her as a something to be owned. The first to bring him an item of his wish, one that was nearly impossible to gain, would be given the filly as a reward. This one infuriate the little feminest, and he would rid himself of her, free of homocide. Perhaps the Farhan she so romanticly fell in love with would be the first to rescue her, and they could go live happily ever after, with more plans stirring in the conquistador's head.

For now, no one would ever know what he was thinking, and he stood watching the fighting pair and wondering if they would be interested in a job.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> OOC -- Lizai, 14:43:51 06/26/02 Wed (

Ohh, boy. We've got trouble. Trui and Skajira have met at last. *runs and hides* WE'RE DOOOOOMED! Or at least, everybody except the blackbloods is, unless the silvers can turn out some characters equally cool, which is unlikely, but still! *gets moving*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> you seem to be mistaken... -- tearless, 17:04:24 06/26/02 Wed (

because i am not for sale...not for any price.

bitter eyes glide over the build of this additional, intrusive swine, transferring the intuition that she no longer has awareness alert upon her aggressor, but looks can be illusory. her bulk is rigid with uncluttered resentment, abhorrence unconcealed for the intervention of her impending termination…the demise she liberally recognizes. she flips her eyes back to skajira, her eyes, appearance, and very body idiom cackling at him, ridiculing him, describing him as a dupe. “what a coincidence that another stallion suddenly appears. are you thinking of ambushing me, skajira? perhaps you believe that you cannot handle me on your own?” unadulterated hilarity, derision, and indeterminate pits of repulsion film her voice and transport the language that plummet from her lips as freezing as ice, her component, her only fascination (besides Mercury, but he doesn’t count.) “foolish beast,” this remark is aimed at detruisent, the dense beast who is producing all of this uncertainty. “you will have to come and deal with skajira at another time. i’m afraid that we are in the middle of a dispute. i do not appreciate being interrupted, and i’m sure that skajira doesn’t appreciate it either…he was just about to eat.” she comments with desiccated comedy, eyes and facade withdrawing underneath an impassive visage.

do you think you scare me? well you’re wrong. i don’t even know the meaning of fear…but you do.

(thanks for interfering when i specifically asked you to leave it alone. i really appreciate it. really. *sarcastic voice*)

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[> -*-Irritation-*- -- Skajira, 13:25:17 06/27/02 Thu (

-*-Shoulder is shrugged laconically as he observes the female from stallion form. I have never met this 'Detruisent' before in all my life. And what, I wonder, do you stand to gain from remaining here looking bitter and making smart remarks?

With that he saunters mildly over to the newcomer, tainted amber visors clearly dominant. And what is your business here?-*-

[-claps and girlish squeal- Something thinks my Skajira is cool!! -grins and snuggles him violently- Y'hear that, Skajjy? Yer cool! -is viciously savaged but doesn't care-]

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[> [> ][ continue ][ -- Detruisent, 14:37:34 06/27/02 Thu (

To hell with all creation. The Spanish one stood quite still, looking at them both with a questionable expression. If they had been dancing purple sea-lions, his observation would not've been different. Each of their spoken words were ignored. Each of their unspoken words were ignored. A nod born of apology with contradicting thoughts preludes his words. "Please, continue on."

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[> [> [> you're not the boss of me now..
-- tearless
, 18:51:30 06/27/02 Thu (

and you're not so big...

wicked emotion is exemplified upon the female’s expression, her lips coiling into a leer. “i do believe you have unfinished business with me, skajira. or do you commonly abandon a fight out of perhaps fear…a fight that you are sure to win? i do believe i told you that you could kill me at will. or are you all talk and nothing else but that?” she interrogates, a smirk warping her lips in perceptible enjoyment. the other stallion goes disregarded just as her own words glided off his back like grease. he is nothing to her, not yet, anyway. “does the sight of blood make you squeamish?” she asks him with a malevolent sneer.

life is unfair.

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[> [> [> [> ][ squeamish ][ -- Detruisent, 20:58:23 06/27/02 Thu (

A chipper mood had blessed the dark one. Dark ... so unoriginal. "No, it is the sight of you that makes me squeamish." Spoken from humor, mockery, or truthfulness, there wasn't much meaning behind the words anyhow. He stood, politely if you will, and waited for the fight to resume.

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[> [> [> [> [> get it through your thick skull... -- tearless, 21:35:30 06/27/02 Thu (

there was NO fight...only harassment.

a smirk twists within her lips’ configuration as she scrutinizes the additional male in moderately understandable laughter, undaunted by his juvenile rejoinder, not that her individual responses were not immature. “funny that i don’t see you looking away from me.” she remarks saucily, a tang of self-confidence in her voice now as she attends to the beast that she does not perceive as any hazard whatsoever…of course, she on no account sees anybody as a menace, it’s problematical to observe someone as a risk when you don’t mind if you exist or expire. of course, that’s before the unexpected frost of despair hauls away all suggestions of pleasure as a solitary contemplation flutters throughout her brain deceitfully. that is something that mercury might say. could you kill somebody that resembles mercury?
i am not going to be killing anything today.
you are a huntress…you know that you will fight back.
she mentally chases the voices away, once again remaining beneath her stoic shield, only hatred now present, hatred and lingering boredom.

you have caused a moment’s imperfection to surface…for that i hate you.

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[> -*-Sneer-*- -- Skajira, 13:45:51 06/28/02 Fri (

-*-Irascible sneer wends its way onto his features. I'm not killing you because you bore me. I like murder with a bit of feist. Why bother if you don't care either way? But with a snort he turns to face her, amber eyes cool outwardly, blazing inside. But if you do not leave my home, now, then I could not care less for fun or otherwise. I'll kill you regardless. If you were of Silver blood you'd be long dead- Redbloods are a waste of my time.

Shrugging a shoulder he slinks up to Detruisent. And you. Explain your business here, leave, or die.-*-

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[> [> your threats are empty. -- tearless, 16:24:46 06/28/02 Fri (

because i know you dont act on them.

eyes once more transfer to the outline of the timid and a sneer arcs within her orifice, one that has freezing realism entrenched inside her idiom. “as i have stated before, i do not take orders from brutes such as yourself. if you had asked nicely, then i would have considered it.” she announces in a languid tone, remaining purely to agitate the not-so-mighty fiend.

(mmkay, tearless and all of my characters are going away on a vacation to canada for six days. i'll return on the third of july...DON'T GO AWAY FROM ME! hehehe, if i come back to empty threads i'll be upset. *nod* i'll be on for about two more hours, then i think we're gone...i might be gone before that...yew never know. and blade, no killing tearless till i get back! *huff*)

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[> [> [> ... -- krystal, 11:38:55 07/04/02 Thu (

well, i'm back...just wondering what's going to happen to my loveliful. *shrugs indolently and vanishes*

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[> [> [> [> empty thread... -- krystal, 15:55:37 07/08/02 Mon (

well, i'm calling inactive thread...so...let's just say that tearless lef without any respect for skajira, whom she has dubbed cowardly, and vowing revenge on both stallions because she has decided that they both mocked her. mmm...that's the end of this story.

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