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-*-One for the Road-*- -- Skajira, 12:10:25 07/18/02 Thu (
-*-Slashing across his finally-breaking opponent's face, raking his claws over slowly just to cause a little extra agony, the felequine sinks his teeth in ever harder. Moving so that his weight will, with luck, prevent the unicorn from rising back to his feet, the Blackblood winces in agony as the flat of Ikkitarita's formidable horn smashes into his side, surely cracking at least a single rib. However, Skajira's mind is cloaked in the murderous red haze of the kill, and oblivious of anything but that one goal.
And with a huge, heavy paw he presses the stallion's face to the ground with all his weight, intending to suffocate him to death; that is, unless exhaustion and loss of blood does not kill him first.-*-
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sands of time -- Ikkitarita, 12:23:05 07/18/02 Thu (
Ashen stallion skreaches in agony. He is not beat yet, however. Silver blood spilling from the wounds on his head masks his vison. Dirt and grass and other terrain fills his eyes,nose, and mouth as his head is smashed to the ground. With what few reserves of energy he has the stallion rolls once more, hoping that either his sheer weight would kill or knock out the cat or that he would knock him off.
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-*-Mild Surprise-*- -- Skajira, 13:19:03 07/18/02 Thu (
-*-Stepping off the rolling beast's body, he clenches his jaws only tighter, allowing Ikkitarita to roll as much as he can, but keeping that all-important death grip. For he now stands above the stallion's head, perhaps within reach of an errant hoof, but still forcing his weight down onto the unicorn's cranium, huge paws still hoping to smother.-*-
[Do tell me if you think I'm not being fair, btw.]
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sands of time -- Ikkitarita, 07:15:27 07/19/02 Fri (
Seeing that rolling is getting him no where the stallion thrashes with his hooves and horn. He twists with his head atempting to rid himself of the paw. Breaths become faster and more ragged as the stallion tries to turn the tables.
you're being perfectly fair
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-*-The Lion's Share-*- -- Skajira, 08:31:22 07/19/02 Fri (
-*-A couple of painful kicks on the shoulders inform him that a new tactic is required. Not letting go for a moment, difficult as the task may be, he transforms.
Now with a single hoof on the unicorn's head, instead of merely a paw, he brings his leg up... and then stamps down, hopefully either onto the stallion's head or neck... aiming to break it.-*-
[Sankyuu. :-} Sorry about this, but, I mean, Ikkitarita did decide to tangle with a felequine.]
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sands of time -- Ikkitarita, 10:25:39 07/21/02 Sun (
The stallion saw it coming, far to late. The hoof smashed down on his neck, snapping it. The blow did not kill the stallion instantly, but Ikkitarita knew he was dying. His hazel eyes began to mist over, and shift in a out of focus. It is said that the dying can see into the future, and Ikkitarita was no exeption. Before him he no longer saw his killer but instead a blackblood alliance, dominating for a time, but in a faded and unclear future there was something else he saw. The future is not a set thing, the stallion knew. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe. He did not want to die, allowing Skajira his first victory. His dying words were to his murderer, in a weak ragged voice: "You might kill me now, but mark my words Skajira, i'll be back." With a heaving breath the white stallion closed his hazel eyes, for a last time. His body lay limp,alicorn touched the ground as the stallion's head lay still.
it's okay! Ikkitarita will come back. heheheh Chelle told it's possible. ::sighs:: i'm working on that with Tattered Glory, my other dead char.
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-*-Triumph-*- -- Skajira, 14:33:32 07/21/02 Sun (
-*-Stepping back from the prone form of his enemy, he throws back his head and releases a triumphant call. With a whinnied laugh he stamps again for good measure. Back? Not for a long, long time, Ikkitarita. And not before my offspring have drunk your blood and torn apart your feeble flesh. No, Ikkitarita, I did not do this for some flimsy 'Alliance'... but for myself, and for those who will follow me, those with blood as pure and as black as my own.
Transforming into the sable pantherine shape becoming ever more comfortable to him, he bends down, tearing at the dead Silverblood's throat at the jugular... delicately lapping the purest silverine blood.-*-
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.*Sickened*. -- Chance, 22:30:53 08/11/02 Sun (
Light-hued fatale's depthless orbs survey this from the shadows. A shudder runs 'long silken, tan-hued pelt. Death: it repulses, saddens her. Femora moves on. Her mission cannot wait. The brave stallion's ghost awaits a return to the world of the living, and the shorter his wait is made, the better. She moves onwards, into Rahul Jagged.
That's why I'm here to give them a second chance.
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blinks,really? -- Tahle, 10:34:36 08/19/02 Mon (
::reads post over and over and over and over and over. blinks::: reallllllyyyyyy???????? awesome!
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