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Date Posted: 17:24:52 08/11/02 Sun
Author: Qyvir
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Subject: ~*~Pest?~*~
In reply to: Kharmendarhra 's message, "::|:: goddess of the night ::|::" on 15:55:21 08/08/02 Thu

~*~Twin oversides auds o' bay-pelted filla flatten in dislike o' this reference t' her. Pest? The voice in which the word is spoken is utterly unlike the one used by the filla when ordering Kharmendarhra to be nice; for, in her rage, Qyvir's voice has changed to the voice it will someday be, when she has three syllables in her name. Upon instinct, she reaches inside herself for something that, before this day, she never even knew existed. Grasping this something and pulling it forth where it can be clearly seen, slowly certain changes are made in this small filla. Her mahogany pelt ripples in its efforts to change accordingly; it lightens, thickens, roughens. Her limbs, too, change, the joints in her fores reversing. Her neck shortens, dial changing, becoming more rounded, less equine and more feline -- in fact, just as feline as the result of the changes even her tail is making. Hooves turn to paws, mane shortening and disappearing into Qyvir's now-golden fur. Even her size changes, and Qyvir becomes shorter as all this occurs, at last completing the shapeshift. For the first time in her life, Qyvir has assumed her lioness-cub form.

At last, she speaks: My name is Qyvir, not pest. And for your information, my father is that panther you were just talking to -- Skajira, by name. Her voice remains the voice she will assume as a full-grown felequine, and as she speaks the next sentence, it acquires a bit of a mocking tone: Not quite prey anymore, am I, featherbrain?~*~

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[> [> ergle. forgot to type the code after the message too. -- Lizai, mun of Qyvir, 17:26:16 08/11/02 Sun (

It'll probably be a while before I get the hang of this.

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