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::|:: haughty ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 12:26:21 08/09/02 Fri (
::|:: Tilting her head, she deals him an arrogant glance, slipping easily away from his touch, tail switching in irritation... and revealing a rather tantalizing scent.
You do not do yourself credit, you silly fool male. Me, stay with the likes of you? A likely story. Padding away she leaps into a nearby fruit tree, grooming herself at her leisure. ::|::
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~*~Curiousity~*~ -- Qyvir, 22:21:46 08/09/02 Fri (
~*~Being a curious young foal, Qyvir of course cannot resist investigation of this stranger. Hearing her words, she comments: You no nice. Why you no nice? Her large brown orbs are filled with the innocence of youth.~*~
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fontie fixing -- Lizai, 22:22:53 08/09/02 Fri (
Say, how can I do this inside my messages?
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::|:: disdain ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 07:26:22 08/10/02 Sat (
::|:: Her arrogant gaze piercing the little filly, no more than potential prey in the cat-goddess's eye, she growls a response. I am as nice as I choose to be, to those who deserve it. ::|::
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~*~Dislike~*~ -- Qyvir, 11:28:31 08/10/02 Sat (
~*~Cocking her head at this stranger, Qyvir senses something she doesn't like: both in the winged cat and herself. Say, what's with the idiot prey-form? she asks herself; but right now, she has no idea how to change it, knowing only that it can be done. Instead of making an attempt right now, she glares at Kharmendarhra. Be good or my daddy beat you up!~*~
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::|:: of course ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 14:05:51 08/10/02 Sat (
::|:: With a mild glare of irritation, her tail flicks again. Are you still there, pest? Who's your father, may I ask? ::|::
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~*~Pest?~*~ -- Qyvir, 17:24:52 08/11/02 Sun (
~*~Twin oversides auds o' bay-pelted filla flatten in dislike o' this reference t' her. Pest? The voice in which the word is spoken is utterly unlike the one used by the filla when ordering Kharmendarhra to be nice; for, in her rage, Qyvir's voice has changed to the voice it will someday be, when she has three syllables in her name. Upon instinct, she reaches inside herself for something that, before this day, she never even knew existed. Grasping this something and pulling it forth where it can be clearly seen, slowly certain changes are made in this small filla. Her mahogany pelt ripples in its efforts to change accordingly; it lightens, thickens, roughens. Her limbs, too, change, the joints in her fores reversing. Her neck shortens, dial changing, becoming more rounded, less equine and more feline -- in fact, just as feline as the result of the changes even her tail is making. Hooves turn to paws, mane shortening and disappearing into Qyvir's now-golden fur. Even her size changes, and Qyvir becomes shorter as all this occurs, at last completing the shapeshift. For the first time in her life, Qyvir has assumed her lioness-cub form.
At last, she speaks: My name is Qyvir, not pest. And for your information, my father is that panther you were just talking to -- Skajira, by name. Her voice remains the voice she will assume as a full-grown felequine, and as she speaks the next sentence, it acquires a bit of a mocking tone: Not quite prey anymore, am I, featherbrain?~*~
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ergle. forgot to type the code after the message too. -- Lizai, mun of Qyvir, 17:26:16 08/11/02 Sun (
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::|:: is that so? ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 12:24:35 08/12/02 Mon (
::|:: Leaping with silent ease from her 'perch', her eyes are truly aflame with undiluted rage and malice, the untemperable anger of a goddess scorned. Her wings are raised, their silhouettes scythe-like arches above her sleek form, and her formidable teeth are bared.
So you're a filthy shapeshifter, like your father. Why should I care? You're still a tiny insolent brat. My mother was the goddess Chaos, goddess of murder, night, war and of course chaos, in the form of a winged panther like myself, and my father was a mortal panther. I'm a demigodess. Whereas you, you brainless halfwitted hairball, are nothing. This point is emphasized by a ringing bat across the head from her large paw. So go away and play with your brainless little friends before I snap your worthless neck, ok? I would not suggest you further try my little patience. ::|::
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-*-Watch It-*- -- Skajira, 12:33:10 08/12/02 Mon (
-*-Instantly on the scene, the 'hairball's father is a large, snarling panther. Why don't you pick on someone your own size, you nasty cub-beater?-*-
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~*~Mock-Fear~*~ -- Qyvir, 12:36:15 08/12/02 Mon (
~*~In mock-fear, she gasps. Oh, NO! A featherheaded peabrain is MAD at me! Withstanding the swat at her head, Qyvir's eyes begin to glow. And now Qyvir's mad at the peabrain! Claws unsheathed, she leaps towards the winged cat in an attempt to rip the flying rat limb-from-limb...~*~
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::|:: fool ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 10:32:30 08/13/02 Tue (
::|:: With a huge, deadly paw, claws unsheathed, she smacks the leaping idiot easily aside, opening her mouth wide to catch the cub by its throat.
Dangling Qyvir now from her mouth, she gives the ugly shapeshifter a little shake. Apologize, fool, or you're dead. ::|::
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-*-Death Sentence-*- -- Skajira, 10:45:29 08/13/02 Tue (
-*-Damn you, I don't tolerate foolish intruders attacking my children!
Leaping, he is on her with enough force to bowl her over, unsheathed claws digging in as hard as they can and powerful jaws reaching for the throat.-*-
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::|:: i doubt it ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 10:51:20 08/13/02 Tue (
::|:: Snarling loudly she throws down the cub with all possible force, but too late. The brutish male's jaws have already found their place on her throat.
Snarling again, but slightly choked this time, she scratches and pushes him with all her strength, all her claws out and reaching. But she know she cannot sustain this for much longer if he does not let go, and she will have to take desperate measures. ::|::
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-*-Mercy?-*- -- Skajira, 10:57:31 08/13/02 Tue (
-*-Fiercely he hangs on, not willing to notice the many scratches he is receiving. Right, miss 'goddess', it's time for a little change of heart if you want yours to keep beating. If you swear to stay here, my captive, me as your only Lord and master... then perhaps I'll let you live. Otherwise, demigoddess or not, you'll soon be no more than a myth.-*-
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::|:: agreed ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 11:02:31 08/13/02 Tue (
::|:: Opening her mouth she manages to choke out, All right, I give in. And I swear. Bitterly she says these words, for she never expected to be enslaved, least of all as soon as she arrived in Creoto. But she will escape, if not sooner than later... and when she does, she knows who not to mess with. ::|::
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-*-Excellent-*- -- Skajira, 11:08:20 08/13/02 Tue (
-*-Releasing his death grip, he stands up, casually grooming a paw. So glad we could all get along. Before she can get a grip on what is going on, he adds, But there is one more thing. Unsheathing his claws once more he lashes out fiercely, tearing at her left wing, then goes back to grooming. It will heal eventually. But for now, the pretty birdy can't fly away while my back is turned. Seating himself, he chuckles. I also thought it would be prudent to give you something to remember me by, if I ever decide to release you.-*-
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::|:: resignment ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 11:21:30 08/13/02 Tue (
::|:: The fallen goddess sighs softly, wincing at the lashing blow but then merely gathering herself together, sitting calmly to lick off the blood and restore some sense of mental balance. So, you're a captive now, a slave. With Skajira as your Lord and Master. Well. Isn't that just dandy. ::|::
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OOC: Love your power-playing, Kharmendarhra. Love how you just say how you manage to hurt my cub without my being able to react. -- Lizai, mun of Qyvir, 12:48:15 08/13/02 Tue (
I hope you recognized the above as sarcasm, because I *hate* it when people powerplay. Yes, she's a cub/foal; no, she isn't just constantly beat up because of that. Yes, she's young; no, she's not stupid. Yes, she is clever and will find a way to wriggle out from the grasp of death because I value her as a rpg character. And now you have simply forced me into doing things that may not have been on my agenda. Oh, and one more thing: Love how you avoided all possible injury from a leaping lioness-cub, even if it would be very little because she's still a cub and very small and I do not deny that. [Yet more sarcasm.] *mutters angrily*
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~*~Dizzy, Weak, yet Defiant~*~ -- Qyvir, 13:06:53 08/13/02 Tue (
~*~As she had been flung to the ground, Qyvir had somehow been rolled aside, away from the line of fire; but she was knocked unconscious, and flung out of her cub form. Now a foal again, blood glistens on her mahogany pelt where she had been grabbed by the winged cat in her cub form, for the harm carries over into both forms.
So, back to the present: The prone form of the filla lies still on the ground, sides just barely rising and falling to mark the fact that she's alive. As her father wins the battle, at last she stirs, rolling over with a weak moan. With the minimal strength of a foal born a mere instant ago, she struggles to stand. Succeeding at last, she turns, glaring at Kharmendarhra for all her ragged condition. All right, so you've succeeded in almost killing someone maybe a quarter of your size. Good job. Shall we applaud? Because she's still enraged, Qyvir has only enough energy to retain her future voice as a full-grown felequine/horse. But know that I will never apologize to you, no matter what. Maybe you really will kill me for it next time. I don't care. I'll never apologize. Stumbling away, towards Malakeh, her normal voice returns as weakly she calls out: Mama?~*~
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~*~Dizzy, Weak, yet Defiant~*~[[RE-DO. The html had a mistake in it.]] -- Qyvir, 13:08:24 08/13/02 Tue (
~*~As she had been flung to the ground, Qyvir had somehow been rolled aside, away from the line of fire; but she was knocked unconscious, and flung out of her cub form. Now a foal again, blood glistens on her mahogany pelt where she had been grabbed by the winged cat in her cub form, for the harm carries over into both forms.
So, back to the present: The prone form of the filla lies still on the ground, sides just barely rising and falling to mark the fact that she's alive. As her father wins the battle, at last she stirs, rolling over with a weak moan. With the minimal strength of a foal born a mere instant ago, she struggles to stand. Succeeding at last, she turns, glaring at Kharmendarhra for all her ragged condition. All right, so you've succeeded in almost killing someone maybe a quarter of your size. Good job. Shall we applaud? Because she's still enraged, Qyvir has only enough energy to retain her future voice as a full-grown felequine/horse. But know that I will never apologize to you, no matter what. Maybe you really will kill me for it next time. I don't care. I'll never apologize. Stumbling away, towards Malakeh, her normal voice returns as weakly she calls out: Mama?~*~
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Y Alarm Y -- Malakeh, 13:26:02 08/13/02 Tue (
With alarm, the dark-bay mare rushes towards her foal/cub, realizing that Qyvir's life may still be in danger. Nudging her gently towards Ikkitarita's corpse, she tells Qyvir, "You must drink."
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~*~Obedient~*~ -- Qyvir, 13:30:48 08/13/02 Tue (
~*~Obediently the filla stumbles towards the corpse. Bending, she drinks what blood remains in liquid form, and feels strength flood back into her body. Immediately after this, she runs off to find her twin brother, calling, Szakir! You not gonna believe this!~*~
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-*-Anger-*- -- Skajira, 15:21:06 08/13/02 Tue (
-*-Reverting to stallion shape, he canters forward and heads off his injured foal. You're not going anywhere, young lady. Fixing his daughter with a stern eye, he whinnies sharply. Now, what you did was just plain idiotic. Antagonizing someone five times your size? I would have expected better from someone of my blood. As much as I hate to say it you got no more than you asked for. He snorts derisively. You stay away from Kharmendarhra, and if I ever, I mean ever, see you speaking to any intruders into this territory again, you are going to be in BIG trouble, missy. Am I completely understood? Standing firm before her, a mahogany wall, he continues. And no more playing today. You will stay within my and your mother's view, and you will do whatever you like for the rest of the day except play, and then you will go to sleep with your brother where your mother can see you. Don't even consider defying me.-*-
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-*-Uh Oh-*- -- Szakir, 15:25:03 08/13/02 Tue (
-*-Trotting cautiously over to his family, the little colt gazes wide-eyed on the scene before him, keeping well clear of his clearly angered father.
Moving over to his mother, he nurses quietly, hungered by a long day.-*-
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-*-Curious-*- -- Szakir, 07:25:21 08/14/02 Wed (
-*-Full now, he moves towards the corpse of Ikkitarita, giving his dad a wide berth for now, and tries some of the blood everyone seems to be making such a fuss about. Indeed, strength flows through his veins, lending power to his muscles and a few sparks flash through his brain. Whew... he mutters.-*-
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~*~Sulky~*~ -- Qyvir, 10:56:24 08/14/02 Wed (
~*~Sulkily, Qyvir mutters, Yes, daddy. Nevertheless, deep down inside she sees his point, and probably won't make the same mistake again. This does not, however, prevent her from resenting the outlawing of play. Muttering darkly under her breath, Qyvir trots over to a bush to shapeshift into cub form.~*~
OOC: Blade, I just discovered Chelle is dictating how long it takes for shapeshifters to transform depending on their immortality level. You'd better read that. For lvl. 1 it takes an hour.
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[-nods- I saw...] -- Blade, 11:50:16 08/14/02 Wed (
[But I'm pretty sure it only applies to shapeshifters that shift into anything. I'm just playing it by ear for now but when I see her next I'll ask her.]
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