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Date Posted: 12:24:35 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Kharmendarhra
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Subject: ::|:: is that so? ::|::
In reply to: Kharmendarhra 's message, "::|:: goddess of the night ::|::" on 15:55:21 08/08/02 Thu

::|:: Leaping with silent ease from her 'perch', her eyes are truly aflame with undiluted rage and malice, the untemperable anger of a goddess scorned. Her wings are raised, their silhouettes scythe-like arches above her sleek form, and her formidable teeth are bared.

So you're a filthy shapeshifter, like your father. Why should I care? You're still a tiny insolent brat. My mother was the goddess Chaos, goddess of murder, night, war and of course chaos, in the form of a winged panther like myself, and my father was a mortal panther. I'm a demigodess. Whereas you, you brainless halfwitted hairball, are nothing. This point is emphasized by a ringing bat across the head from her large paw. So go away and play with your brainless little friends before I snap your worthless neck, ok? I would not suggest you further try my little patience. ::|::

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[> [> -*-Watch It-*- -- Skajira, 12:33:10 08/12/02 Mon (

-*-Instantly on the scene, the 'hairball's father is a large, snarling panther. Why don't you pick on someone your own size, you nasty cub-beater?-*-

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