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Date Posted: 11:02:31 08/13/02 Tue
Author: Kharmendarhra
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Subject: ::|:: agreed ::|::
In reply to: Kharmendarhra 's message, "::|:: goddess of the night ::|::" on 15:55:21 08/08/02 Thu

::|:: Opening her mouth she manages to choke out, All right, I give in. And I swear. Bitterly she says these words, for she never expected to be enslaved, least of all as soon as she arrived in Creoto. But she will escape, if not sooner than later... and when she does, she knows who not to mess with. ::|::

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[> [> -*-Excellent-*- -- Skajira, 11:08:20 08/13/02 Tue (

-*-Releasing his death grip, he stands up, casually grooming a paw. So glad we could all get along. Before she can get a grip on what is going on, he adds, But there is one more thing. Unsheathing his claws once more he lashes out fiercely, tearing at her left wing, then goes back to grooming. It will heal eventually. But for now, the pretty birdy can't fly away while my back is turned. Seating himself, he chuckles. I also thought it would be prudent to give you something to remember me by, if I ever decide to release you.-*-

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[> [> [> ::|:: resignment ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 11:21:30 08/13/02 Tue (

::|:: The fallen goddess sighs softly, wincing at the lashing blow but then merely gathering herself together, sitting calmly to lick off the blood and restore some sense of mental balance. So, you're a captive now, a slave. With Skajira as your Lord and Master. Well. Isn't that just dandy. ::|::

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