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Date Posted: 13:06:53 08/13/02 Tue
Author: Qyvir
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Subject: ~*~Dizzy, Weak, yet Defiant~*~
In reply to: Kharmendarhra 's message, "::|:: goddess of the night ::|::" on 15:55:21 08/08/02 Thu

~*~As she had been flung to the ground, Qyvir had somehow been rolled aside, away from the line of fire; but she was knocked unconscious, and flung out of her cub form. Now a foal again, blood glistens on her mahogany pelt where she had been grabbed by the winged cat in her cub form, for the harm carries over into both forms.

So, back to the present: The prone form of the filla lies still on the ground, sides just barely rising and falling to mark the fact that she's alive. As her father wins the battle, at last she stirs, rolling over with a weak moan. With the minimal strength of a foal born a mere instant ago, she struggles to stand. Succeeding at last, she turns, glaring at Kharmendarhra for all her ragged condition. All right, so you've succeeded in almost killing someone maybe a quarter of your size. Good job. Shall we applaud? Because she's still enraged, Qyvir has only enough energy to retain her future voice as a full-grown felequine/horse. But know that I will never apologize to you, no matter what. Maybe you really will kill me for it next time. I don't care. I'll never apologize. Stumbling away, towards Malakeh, her normal voice returns as weakly she calls out: Mama?~*~

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[> ~*~Dizzy, Weak, yet Defiant~*~[[RE-DO. The html had a mistake in it.]] -- Qyvir, 13:08:24 08/13/02 Tue (

~*~As she had been flung to the ground, Qyvir had somehow been rolled aside, away from the line of fire; but she was knocked unconscious, and flung out of her cub form. Now a foal again, blood glistens on her mahogany pelt where she had been grabbed by the winged cat in her cub form, for the harm carries over into both forms.

So, back to the present: The prone form of the filla lies still on the ground, sides just barely rising and falling to mark the fact that she's alive. As her father wins the battle, at last she stirs, rolling over with a weak moan. With the minimal strength of a foal born a mere instant ago, she struggles to stand. Succeeding at last, she turns, glaring at Kharmendarhra for all her ragged condition. All right, so you've succeeded in almost killing someone maybe a quarter of your size. Good job. Shall we applaud? Because she's still enraged, Qyvir has only enough energy to retain her future voice as a full-grown felequine/horse. But know that I will never apologize to you, no matter what. Maybe you really will kill me for it next time. I don't care. I'll never apologize. Stumbling away, towards Malakeh, her normal voice returns as weakly she calls out: Mama?~*~

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[> [> Y Alarm Y -- Malakeh, 13:26:02 08/13/02 Tue (

With alarm, the dark-bay mare rushes towards her foal/cub, realizing that Qyvir's life may still be in danger. Nudging her gently towards Ikkitarita's corpse, she tells Qyvir, "You must drink."

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[> [> [> ~*~Obedient~*~ -- Qyvir, 13:30:48 08/13/02 Tue (

~*~Obediently the filla stumbles towards the corpse. Bending, she drinks what blood remains in liquid form, and feels strength flood back into her body. Immediately after this, she runs off to find her twin brother, calling, Szakir! You not gonna believe this!~*~

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