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Date Posted: 09:31:48 10/03/02 Thu
Author: Skajira
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Subject: -*-Easy Pickings-*-
In reply to: Unruley 's message, "~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~" on 16:27:58 10/02/02 Wed

-*-In black jaguar form the felequine appears with a little *blip*.... right onto the mare's back! Quickly he reaches his teeth down, grasping for the vulnerable base of her skull with his bone-crushing jaws. You know, this is almost going to be too easy.

A few hours before dawn, certain magical skills of his are still pleasantly in effect, though he only makes use of others. Grabbing her vision with Sight Thief, he uses the light function of Chorus of Sky to create a truly blinding spectacle, destroying virtually any chance of her seeing much of anything. Using all his advantages to the utmost, he knows he will still probably take injuries, but with the red haze of the kill obscuring his own vision, he does not even care.-*-

[OOC: Cool power, with the flame on her body! Where'd she get that?]

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[> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 14:09:54 10/07/02 Mon (

Fatale already inraged by felequine, losing her vision wasn't helpful at most. Yet her figure was over taken by her hellish flames she could still feel him. Ashen femme swirled bucking bringing up the hind limbs again and again to rid herself of the dark feline. Her shirl screamming vocals came hearing the familar voices of her allies, it had been quite a period of time scence she'd laid her hellish optics pon' them but one never forgets thys allies. Her delicate embering ears were now laced to her skull, as her cranium turned , whites baring forth from equines lips they grabbed as a mad, starving dog at a peice of meat, as she blindly searched for the form of the enemy. Blazing orbs shaded of the blood red hued coloring burned now with all anger that burned within her. She'd never give her innocents to another stallion, she had sworn it.

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[> [> [> BTW -- Faith (Unruley's Mun), 14:14:33 10/07/02 Mon (

(OOC: Btw. Thankies Blade I got that power and a few others from rping with (Norah, Dementedgreendog, or Slave Dancers Mun, which ever you know her as) We rp hells royals, it's a personal rp only me and her do together, thats where I got that one and a couple others.)

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