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~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 14:09:54 10/07/02 Mon (
Fatale already inraged by felequine, losing her vision wasn't helpful at most. Yet her figure was over taken by her hellish flames she could still feel him. Ashen femme swirled bucking bringing up the hind limbs again and again to rid herself of the dark feline. Her shirl screamming vocals came hearing the familar voices of her allies, it had been quite a period of time scence she'd laid her hellish optics pon' them but one never forgets thys allies. Her delicate embering ears were now laced to her skull, as her cranium turned , whites baring forth from equines lips they grabbed as a mad, starving dog at a peice of meat, as she blindly searched for the form of the enemy. Blazing orbs shaded of the blood red hued coloring burned now with all anger that burned within her. She'd never give her innocents to another stallion, she had sworn it.
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BTW -- Faith (Unruley's Mun), 14:14:33 10/07/02 Mon (
(OOC: Btw. Thankies Blade I got that power and a few others from rping with (Norah, Dementedgreendog, or Slave Dancers Mun, which ever you know her as) We rp hells royals, it's a personal rp only me and her do together, thats where I got that one and a couple others.)
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-*-The Last of your Worries-*- -- Skajira, 11:40:55 10/09/02 Wed (
-*-Clamping his bone-crushing jaws down onto the vulnerable base of the fatale's skull, seeking to do the jaguar's patented kill by severing the top of the spinal cord, he knows that if she does not succeed in removing him from her back, she will soon be dead or at least paralyzed... much more fun. But he presses himself close to her so he moves with her wild motions, his long claws dug firmly into her hide. The Devil, the guardian of the Realm of Hell, cannot be dislodged, at least, not yet.
He cannot help contemplating how losing her innocence to him would be the last of her worries now- losing her life might perhaps take a higher priority? And not just her life... her afterlife, too, for once separated from her physical form, her ghost too would be his. And if you're not careful, if you don't relent, or if you're not a very good battler indeed {and none in this weak land of Creoto has defeated me yet}, your innocence will quite literally be the last of your worries.
Knowing that there is only so long he will be able to hang on to the wildly dancing mare, he formulates other plans in her mind- she will be his... alive or dead, he cares not.-*-
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-v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 13:25:09 10/09/02 Wed (
Swiftly she erupts forth to engage in battle on behalf of her ally Unruley. Raven-black wings sprout forth from her sides, and she unfurls them with a snap, lifting easily into the air. With a few mighty flaps of her wings the mare gains altitude, and looks down on the situation. With a feral shriek like the keer of a hawk, she dives down, wings bent at the perfect angle for speed, at the same time activating her magic to protect her from fire attacks. As she reaches them, she sends Unruley a mindcall asking her to stand still a moment. Without waiting to find out Unruley's response, she now is practically on top of the felequine, and she strikes out with all four limbs at the Devil, and then immediately rises into the air again. In a sweet voice like a bird's, she asks, "And how many have you battled so far, Skajira? A mere one, if I am correct." Her voice takes on a hint of a taunt as she adds, "You seem to be extremely confident, for so few kills." As she gains altitude once more, she calls yet again: "Come and catch me if you can, Skajira...or if you dare."
OOC: I feel I should mention before this gets too complicated that Nightingale happens to be a hellhorse like Unruley, except that she's not royalty.
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-*-Amused-*- -- Skajira, 13:57:53 10/09/02 Wed (
-*-With an amused expression the felequine stallion uses Omitir Extaziz to *blip* himself neatly out of the way, onto the ground a few feet away. Thus, if his attacker strikes anything with her dramatic attack, she strikes only the flesh of the friend she seeks to defend.
With a feline 'laugh', the black jaguar watches with amusement as the silly hell-pony flies away. You're not going to be able to defend your darling friend very well from up there, my dear. And it's not your blood I want. Turning away, he disappears for a brief *blip*.... reappearing with three unicorn mares, two young and matured, one just on the dawn of her adulthood. *Blip*ing off again, he then returns with a winged black jaguar.
His cruel yellow eyes observe the now-surrounded Unruley and her useless friend, above, as he grins. Ladies... he nods to the small army. If Unruley gets help... So do I. He briefly turns his gaze to Aiji. Your help would be very much appreciated, sweet lady.-*-
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~*~Patient / Warning~*~ -- Tashir / Tamilir / Safukir, 14:17:47 10/09/02 Wed (
~*~The just-barely mare felequorn appears, seeing the injured mare at which her sire is leering and immediately assesses the situation. Having never been in battle before, she remains to the side of the mare, from where her attacks are least likely to come, and bows down her head so that her long, deadly, black-and-white striped horn is ready to gore should she be told to charge. She is a pretty young mare, her still disproportionately long legs white with black zebra stripes, and the rest of her body white. Perhaps the most striking thing about her appearance is her stunning, brilliant cerulean eyes which appear to hold such innocence... and mask what lies beneath.~*~
~*~The rather older but by no means old felequorn mare adopts the same ready-to-battle pose as her niece, only on the opposite side, allowing Skajira to stand at the front. She is pure white, with a wild look about her that her twin sister, Safukir, does not possess in as great a quantity. Her black eyes are humorous but can be deadly and unforgiving.~*~
~*~The last of the three to make herself ready is the stunning Safukir. A pure ivory unicorn like her twin, her silken mane hangs perfectly and is tousled temptingly in the light breeze- ignoring her eyes, she is the picture of innocence, the ideal unicorn. But one glance at those cruel and haunting spheres shows her to be the temptress, the siren, the soul-crusher. She too inclines her sculptured head to ready the deadly horn.~*~
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-v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 14:28:23 10/09/02 Wed (
With a snicker she calls back, "Did you think I was intending to stay up here, fool?" Again she dives, with the same target. Better not to risk the horns. Again her onyx flints strike at Skajira, as he addresses the shapeshifter.
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Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 14:30:15 10/09/02 Wed (
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~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 15:46:35 10/09/02 Wed (
Fatales blood boiling optics seemed to flood in fury, as reared, dragon like wings flared from rib cage, what a joke he thought of himself, a wicked ringing laughter rung forth from tighting vocals, her vision quickly came back now, ebonite alicorn pointed t'ward the cold earth beneth them , rearing, pon' taut haunches, of muscle, oynx fore daggers struck the atmosphere before her her rage boiled, he was obviously more than thought, but his mouth was bigger than his actions, "You fool, your words are bigger than the truth, you want a battle? Your sure as hell to get one now." She was appretative of the allies joining in yet she would handle the all talk steed herself. The atmosphere about her grew with the heat that the flaming hooves swated the air. She landed once again flaring wings with all force, small pin point needles flew forth from the air in all directions but carefuly seemed to have a mind of their own not hitting any being then suddenly as Unruley's silver lining grew of ebonite and gold the colors of her dams kingdom, they halted in mid-air, they seemed frozen for a split second suddenly all turned in aiming for focused enemy. Femmes fore limbs gave a hard pounding thud to the ground and pin missles shot t'wards Skajira and other enemys, they seemed to fill the air as they flew forth. The felines bite marks were unsuccesful as in finding the precious vein and quickly healed for high immortality. Her wings took her airborn as the smerk on her face danced with the demons of hell, lining of her figure exchanged back to originality, wings hovered her above the steed and joining mares, Wings slapped to her sides now, with a spinning nose dive deadly sharpened alicorn rushed forth as rushed into the group stabbing horn at all four, with her rush of laughter she spoke again, "I doubt your "Help" shall do thou any good." Swerving from ground she took herself to air once more, whirling kicking motion brought hind dagger in contact with cranium of Skajira. She swerved again bringing other hind to the assist Younger mare. Shooting in almost invisable speed landed beside Nightingale, Smolder rolled from delicate nares, as mouth began to widen a small ball of embers rolled inside a sudden hard breath brought the flamethrower forth, the embers were of huge size growing as it reached to the enemys. "You sure you want a little more of me, she laughed withdrawing the blazes." Snorting smoke puffed shortly from nostrols.
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-v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 16:38:42 10/09/02 Wed (
Mentally the mare is unaffected by the shapeshifter, although certainly the wing pains her. She slams sideways into a tree, hoping to crush Aiji against it with her weight. She permits her heavily-feathered wings to disappear as she strikes it, to keep them out of her way. Rapidly she falls, yet shoots out her wings -- injury or not -- to slow her fall. When she hits the ground, they disappear again. Twisting her head around, she grasps the flesh of her opponent in deadly ivories, biting hard. Quite suddenly she disappears, and appears a small distance away, which is where she is when Unruley comes. Her sweet voice rings out clearly, as she says, "Now we shall see."
OOC: She doesn't have batlike wings, Aiji's mun. Hers are birds' wings and very heavily feathered. They tend to go very well with the rest of her, she being a Friesian, as batlike wings would not.
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btw: -- Lizai, mun of Nightingale, 16:46:10 10/09/02 Wed (
Yes, she *can* do the disappearance trick. She's had it since before omitir extaziz was even created -- as I know, since I helped Chelle come up with it when Aswad got his by getting a Cassandra riddle right. [Ironically, the answer was 'Nightingale'.] Check Cendre d' Secrete to see that she had it when she fought Unruley and then check Thundaiyil to see when Aswad got omitir from The Cassandra, which was when omitir was created.
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Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 18:19:24 10/09/02 Wed (
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-*-Cunning-*- | ~*~Attack~*~ (OOC: can't be bothered with a quadricolor subject... hehe) -- Skajira / Tashir / Tamilir / Safukir, 09:33:40 10/10/02 Thu (
-*-Amused by the pretentious, theatrical hellhorse mare who, while wittering away, claims that he is the one who is all talk. Watching the needles erupt from her body, he spots their trajectory easily because they freeze a moment, and thus can easily roll out of the way, to a position in which he can touch both of his twin half-sisters and his daughter, and flash them also out of the way of the ridiculous attack. *Blip*. He relies on the shapeshifter and the winged feline to take care of themselves, though, glancing up, he is very much impressed by the former's battling skills with the flying hellhorse. Suddenly he brings on Chorus of Sky, directed only towards the two hellmares. His chanting is deafening and he emanates brilliant light, to blind the duo. Quickly he also uses Sight Thief on Unruley, realising that at her present position, Tashir cannot be seen by the mare. Superb.-*-
~*~Seeing her father roll out of the way of the attack and get between Tamilir and Safukir, she realizes his plan to move them to safety, and reaches forward, touching him so it can work. After a brief jerk, she finds herself at the other side of Unruley, and immediately charges, head down, preparing to gore the mare as swiftly as possible.~*~
~*~Realizing that if a massed attack occurs, the mare could by no means defend all at once, she immediately charges from the front left.~*~
~*~Finding herself suddenly behind the hellmare, she reverts to white tigress form, leaping towards the mare's back, but ready to defend herself and the others against any attack from above.~*~
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Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 12:48:14 10/10/02 Thu (
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:: to battle :: -- Kharmendarhra, 13:04:03 10/10/02 Thu (
:: The black jaguaress extends her long, black wings, seeing everyone go for Unruley and leaving Nightengale no longer engaged, and takes to the air.
Grappling onto the hellmare, her jaws extend, seeking either the base of the skull or the throat, whichever presents itself. ::
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~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 15:21:56 10/10/02 Thu (
Mare already immuned to the twice used attak to blind her completely ignores, otics only show of colorful spots not taking her vision. Needle like pin missles, that were dodged, halt in air gaining speed with every move are now flying at greased lightning speed almost unseen by eyes, as they have seemed to be of smart nature again swerving and flying at targets, again and again as they fill air, only few lost their way by smashing into shrubery and upgrowing trees. Mouth opened again showing slight bit of fangs, embering ball began to growing increasingly with final heave of breath, flames flew from between fatales whites, only blazes trapped by constant beating of dragon-like wings into a spiriling tornado motion ever growing it seemed to have size of wind twirling tornados, a sharp snort sent spirling flames forward at Kharmendarhra, sudden enterer attaking her allie, it swept itself into air and soared t'wards her. Turning Unruleys optics swept of darkest oynx as yet wings sharpened seeming to turn to steel sharp daggers, as fatale took to the air straightning wings, she soaring over enemys with slicing sharp wings slicing into each of the mare assists pelts before turning again and sweeping over them again, stopping in air above she hoovered as if the hawk of darkness, Once again mouth widened bringing forth another flamethrower it burned it's way, to the four below. Sweeping down yet once more ebonite daggers thrash into Skajira's spine, whites grabbed for crest of neck and searched for the precious vein allowing movement, tearing away she swoped over Nightingale arching slender neck, alicorn pointed out as swerved upward and charging at Kharmendarhra.
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-v- Bird of the Night -v- .;temptress;. ..nevermore.. -- Nightingale, Chica d' Tortura, Hark the Raven, 14:50:32 10/10/02 Thu (
OOC: Okay, but I just wanted to make sure you knew that before it became an OOC fight as well as an IC one.
Arching her neck to protect the throat, Nightingale goes down and rolls over on top of Kharmendarhra, Kicking with her legs to prevent approach by another, she rolls over repeatedly to rid herself of the feline, closing her eyes against the light and flattening her ears against the sound, although she can still feel the beastess on her back.
Flame-hu'd fatale ingresses 'pon terra. Her thoughts elsewhere, she nearly stumbles into the fight before she notices what's going on. Quickly assessing the situation, she erupts forth to the aid of Unruley, recognizing her as royalty. Seductress charges, slamming into Tashir, then wheeling. Visage extends to sink iv'ries into Tamilir's neck, briefly seeking the jugular, then whirling and going after Skajira, shooting towards him too swiftly to be seen, intending to pound him to a pulp with her thrumming hooves.
In his home of Vile Street[[I think it is]], the steed senses trouble on the surface. Closing his eyes, he casts his magic about, scouting. Almost immediately he comes upon the situation, and quickly assesses it. Back in his physical body, his auds lay flat against his skull, which lowers, as he paws the earth, snarling. As he does so, flame surrounds his ebonite frame, and he is soon invisible in their depths. Quite suddenly, the flames die, and yet they are all that is gone. The steed once at their center has disappeared.
On the surface, flames quite suddenly erupt out of the earth, and in their center appears a black figure, which steps forth from the fire, and is revealed to be a stallion. With the flames at his back, for a moment he is the picture of a Hellhorse, unimaginably intimidating. The flames then reach forth and stream into the steed's bod, becoming a part of him. Flame-rimmed, he barrels forth, unstoppable, like a freight train. He barrels into Safukir, and then hind hooves -- heated unbearably by his fire, heated to burn -- fly towards the python. Instantly after they contact flesh, he brings them back beneath himself again. Wheeling, dial snakes out, iv'ries sinking into the python's cranium, and then he rears, forelimbs striking at the anaconda imprisoning the royalty of Hell.
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.| i hope you dance -- Slave Dancer, 16:00:05 10/10/02 Thu (
.| from the depths of the shadows a barely visible outline formulated. cerise eyes flashed with surpressed rage. acute lobes immediately fell backwards onto poll. the black scaled wings she possessed with a silver underbelly to match her muscle toning flashed irritatedly. nobody messed with anyone she knew and came to love. slave dancer's patience had just about run out. |.
.| hindmost tressed flickered and she faded furthur into the shadows, completely invisble. awaiting the right moment to uncage the rage. |.
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.| i hope you dance [ this one! html actually works! ] -- Slave Dancer, 16:06:15 10/10/02 Thu (
.| from the depths of the shadows a barely visible outline formulated. cerise eyes flashed with surpressed rage. acute lobes immediately fell backwards onto poll. the black scaled wings she possessed with a silver underbelly to match her muscle toning flashed irritatedly. nobody messed with anyone she knew and came to love. slave dancer's patience had just about run out. |.
.| hindmost tressed flickered and she faded furthur into the shadows, completely invisble. awaiting the right moment to uncage the rage. |.
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ºSpeaking of The Devil...º -- Satan, 16:16:17 10/10/02 Thu (
From the surface of the emerald earth came an earth quaking sudden burst of shaking, cracks in the dry dirt quickly darted their way through the ground. Steaming vapor quickly arose from the darkest side of hell, filling the terrian of the steam all that could be seen through the foggy substance was an ember being bore forth pon the earth from the hades from below in the form of the masculine figure of an equine. The redish blazes roared forward slowly morphing into the normal figure of the equine, as it countinued to morph into shape quickly showed an ashen steed the blackest of ebony pelt and lining of a dullish gold with stretching oynx line through the middle of lining, lining stretched it's way over defined muscles and outward edges of the young masculine stallion. His slightly dished cranium showed clearly he was offspring of Unruley's. Golden, black rimmed optics seemed to glem with all hells lies and deaths, as they scanned over the battle. He was clearly the exact definition of the devil himself. The steam slowly faded away now bearing forth the almost fully transformed equine, the last of the burning daggers took they're form, he seemed untouchable as if he were unreal. Paper-like nares flared with fury as strangly colored orbs fell pon the enemy, he had felt the danger of his dam, from Unruley's dam he had inheritted the kingdom of Hamunaptra a smaller portion of Hell, the city of the dead, hells throne had been taken from his grasp by his newly born uncle. It seemed as if nothing dare make a noise in his entrance. Quickly reacting coal and dull golden spiriled alicorn shimmered of the sharpest point, arching bold neck pounding limbs rushed him forward as he rammed the alicorn to the youngest mare assist, finding her the easier one to rid of first, haunches brought him upward as he arose before her with dicing hooves struck t'wards femme's cranium whirling bringing bold figure around with great balance and speed brought up smoldering hind daggers of burning branding heat to contact to femme's chest and neck. Bringing limber body around agian making way around his dam and battling enemy steed, attaked other two assistants, Spiriling alicorn slashed for fatales' ribs and flank area such a cut here would bring infection on swift feet. Swirling to older femmora, fangs came forth from between straight unemotional lips, grabbed for mares neck and along the crest searching for the juggular vein whites clamped with the greatest of force each contact, turning again at unseeable speed apeared on other side of other fatale clamping jaws grabbed for neck and poll sinking teeth in enjoying the sweet taste of the battle as he move the bites onward up to her poll then whirling again his speed again un caught by the orb appeared before the two, flamethrower flew forth from point of alicorn, the fire ever gorwing as it reached them.
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.| hell in your eyes -- Slave Dancer, 16:45:13 10/10/02 Thu (
.| blood-hued optics rolled within skull and imaptience almost caused her to blow her cover, but she remained still. some pride rolled within her, satan had grown up beautifully. but that was not why she was here. then oculi focused back on the battle raging on without her. |.
.| not even unruley or satan knew that she-bitch dwelled within the shadows. waiting. just waiting for the proper moment to attack. the small vision that only come could see began to dull even more so. none knew the shadows that boiled within. |.
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[Closing Fonties *does font farie dance*] -- [Britt], 22:46:06 10/10/02 Thu (
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I Can Be Dirty, Too Don’t Turn Around, Don’t Say Goodbye -- Kafjir Deplion, 21:15:22 10/10/02 Thu (
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Down To One Last Breath -- Ensenya, 21:28:47 10/10/02 Thu (
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Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 21:58:21 10/10/02 Thu (
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OOC: -- Lizai, 06:07:30 10/11/02 Fri (
Hey, *I* only say that I hit, not what damage was done, Kafjir's-mun! And PLEASE, people, USE NAMES! I can't tell who you're attacking! There are about a gazillion 'young femmes' and 'brutes' and everything like that -- we've got everybody in Creoto's galaxy and beyond involved here! *not replying until she knows some essential stuff*
Also: I don't see why Kafjir and Deplion would even care about this. The only reason keeping me from shoving a dragon into the fight is that a dragon wouldn't particularly care about the fate of the princess of hell, since as far as I know no dragons owe allegiance to hell's royalty. But since some random elixes wandered in, I guess a little bit of fire-breath is in order.
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Ok, let me get in on this... -- Britt, 11:12:17 10/11/02 Fri (
Kafjir and Depleon are mine. Let me further explain their enterance before we get in a tizzy. You yourself have power played against my character Aiji by saying that you made contact to her, correct? I felt that I was simply returning the favor. I did not have intentions to get into an OOC fight over it, and I will redo the post if that is your request. And I also said when I hit, I did not say *what* I hit...Well...Ok, I'm going to be doing a repost here in a second, so please just accept my appology, and I will keep on reposting until it satisfies you. I am truely sorry Lizi, it was not my intention to upset anyone.
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OOC: can't stop expressing my anger, too much of it -- Lizai, 07:09:37 10/11/02 Fri (
Kafjir's mun, I'm going to say this: pp'ing *REALLY* upsets me, and you have *DEFINITELY* powerplayed Raven. I keep on having to restrain myself from being childish and using the word 'hate', although I'm probably being childish anyway. Except I'm pretty sure I'm not. I'm pretty sure that YOU need to stop powerplaying or I'll godplay to keep my character alive. I refuse to respond to that post because it's all a bucket of hippo poo. I say 'seeking the jugular' not 'jaws closing around the vital vein'. I say "hooves contact flesh" not "blood does indeed venture forth" and "his target, or at least enough of it, met".
DARNIT I hate when people powerplay, so STOP.
Until you do a *REAL* post, Kafjir doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned.
I ALSO hate the fact that *I* am trying to keep up with the numbers in a fight, and when I bring in 3 characters to even it out, you bring in 3. This is a big mess of nonsense and I'm tempted to just make all my characters disappear right now, and bring them out of it. At least I've still got Bell Chime in reserve -- I'll have to make up something special for her.
This reminds me of a roleplay fight where everybody was just constantly bringing in new characters to help them win, and someone else brought all of this one mare's '100 friends' and I brought in my whole SiM stable, which was like 50 horses. Or maybe the entire sim stable was another time. Yes, it was. It was the time where this one horse had friend wolves and sic-ed them on my character for some petty thing like my character ignoring their character.
I hope this doesn't turn into another addition to the list of immature fights I've seen, but the signs don't look good so far.
Wow, I can sure babble when I want to.
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If You Want To -- Kafjir, 11:35:06 10/11/02 Fri (
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Nuh uh -- Blade, 12:45:21 10/11/02 Fri (
Sorry to sound like the whiny little brat who picks up her toys and says, 'I'm not playing,' but I can't help it. I can't RP like this. This next bit is specifically directed against Unruley and 'Satan': I don't fight 'invincible' characters. So far Unruley has not taken a single piece of damage from one of my attacks, from any of the five of my characters attacking her. If that's not invincible... what is?
Now, the next bit is mainly a matter of playing style, but I generally do one defense and one attack per character per post. It inhibits powerplaying and it makes the battle a lot easier to read, especially when it becomes an all-out melee like this seems to have done. However, I can't criticize you folks for not playing like that; there's nothing wrong with doing a number of attacks per post except the fact that I simply personally don't approve of it.
However, I will not play when my youngest character here gets, before I even get the chance to reply, sliced, slammed, gored, kicked in the head, burned in the chest and neck, and slashed across the front. And remember this is only one of my characters. Perhaps I'm a wimp, perhaps I'm a coward, but I'm not playing like this. Thank you. -bows, reverses time slightly, pulls felequorn mares out of battle before they experience any injuries, pulls Skajira out too, allows time to flow again-
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-kills NT-
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Ay yi yi yi yi -- Britt, 13:49:35 10/11/02 Fri (
If Blade retracts all of her characters from the fray (Rather, from before the fray...), there really isn't any sense in my characters being here either. *plucks chars out and neatly puts them out of the way*
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Apology -*-Wary-*- -- Blade, 14:29:39 10/11/02 Fri (
-chuckles- Sorry for bein' such a spoilsport... but you can see why I did it, no?
If anyone still wants to, I'd be happy to have any of my characters engage in single, fair combat?
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Oops... -- Blade, 14:31:39 10/11/02 Fri (
Erf! This silly Windows XP remembers things I type into forms, so it automatically filled in "Apology -*-Wary-*-" as soon as I told it I wanted silver size 1 Verdana and the word "Apology." Blame Windows! hehe
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*g* -- Britt, 21:58:10 10/11/02 Fri (
My old 98 use to do that, but my XP is lazy :p I think I'm content with not fighting right now, but thanks for the offer. ^_- However, I would like to know where you bliped them off to, so that I can place Aiji accordingly *sage nodnod*
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\\ANYBODY ELSE THINK THIS IS NUTSO???// -- Faith (Unruley & Satan's Mun), 09:54:43 10/12/02 Sat (
Okay look here, some of you brought me into something that wasn't even my fault, for one Britt I didn't bring in a thousand charectars, see I had Unruley in this and her long time friend Nightingale came in then you and Blade blimped in charectars from all over Creoto, So what did you expect me to do just stand around and watch my charectar get smoothered? No I entered her son Satan, and Slave Dancer is her sister who has a different Mun so I only entered 2 horses in this, I didn't go nutso with them. I think this thing was ridiculous Skajira and Unruley could have carried on this fight without turning all the blackbloods against each other... Perhaps two charectars like the passing by Nightingale and one of Skajiras mares, I can see that but not the way this went! And I do addmit I need to make an apology to Blade for not getting any of her attaks, this was such a big mess and nobody was really using names and I didn't know who the hell was attaking who, so my sincer apologys to you Blade. Anyhow how did this get into such a big OOC fight??? I think power playing is excepted in many ways by different ways, if you say "...jaws grabbed at brutes neck" see they might think you didn't actualy use a fighting tecniuqe, but then again if you say "...white clamped down pon' brutes crest." They know you attaked but they can count the damage weather it is seveir or just a simple scratch. Then again if you say something like, "...whites came forth clamping into the brutes neck ripping into juggular vein tearing it to shreads" we all know thats pping, I count powerplaying as that just as long as they don't say the damage of the attak I'm fine with it. I will agree we probly all did pp even if just a lil' we all did. And I will apologize to all who thought I did, I think we all owe each other an apology, unless you feel like you've done nothing at all. We shouldn't make enemys of each other by just taking a charectar fight personaly, ya know?Plus we made all the silverbloods have an oppertunity against the blacks scence like every blackblood in Creoto got into this. If we all make enemys of ourselves it's certainly not going to help Creoto. I think Creoto is awsome I've been active in it scence Jan of this year, and we all are the few active charectars it's got left. We need top help Lizai get other peeps in on this to make better plots more charectars and a bigger rp. So how bout we just "withdraw" all charectars because this fight just went nutso, I count nobody that was in this rp as an enemy just simply a misunderstanding in a really mixed up battle.
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OOC -- Lizai, 15:21:19 10/12/02 Sat (
Faith is smart. I apologize to peoples for anything I did wrong. And Blade, if you feel angry about Tashir being torn apart without a chance to reply, imagine how Faith felt when Unruley suddenly found herself with a python around her neck and three mares attacking and I have no clue where Skajira was. And no offense, but you guys had in way more characters than we did.
I will say nothing more but this: That was not a fight to take pride in. But the way we''re handling it now is.
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-chuckles- -- Blade, 17:32:54 10/12/02 Sat (
-nods- I apologize too. It's just that it seemed somehow... more fair to pit unicorns {well, felequorns really} against an apparently invincible hellhorse, than to pit -ponders- four hellhorses against one felequorn mare who has just stopped being a filly and has literally never fought before. I still owe you all an apology but I did think at least that bit was reasonable enough, no?
And yes, I did go a lil' overboard with the hauling in of a million of my characters... but Skajira got really mad when Nightingale interfered. He wanted to just have a fair fight, a test of strength, with Unruley, but when Nightingale stepped in he felt he was entitled to whatever reinforcement he needed. I doubt he was right, but that's what he wanted to do and I try to force my characters as little as possible.
Yes, this never became an OOC 'fight', more of a debate or a discussion... I'm very happy about that. I honestly thought at least a few of you would jump down my throat for withdrawing, and I'm pleasantly surprised. :-}
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OOC -- Lizai, 17:36:08 10/12/02 Sat (
Jump down your throat? Why? I was considering withdrawing myself, remember? now how about I grab us a *reason* to withdraw? *grabs Bell Chime and makes her 'specialness' sensibility*
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OOC -- Britt, 15:41:51 10/13/02 Sun (
Count me in on the relived circle. When Lizi first posted the OOC note, I just had this feeling that I had stepped in it. I"m very glad we're all handling this maturely, I'm not exactally a fanatic of OOC fights. *nods*
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OOC -- Lizai, 13:22:46 10/14/02 Mon (
*nods in agreement* OOC fights are awful, and I'm glad this didn't turn into one. :) We should probably stop chatting about it now and pop back IC.
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OOC ::Smiles, glad::: -- Faith, 19:55:14 10/12/02 Sat (
Glad to see you all agree with me, thankies I thought peeps were going to think what I said was stupid, concidering I didn't really know Brit or Blade, glad we have sensible people! LoL Well I suggest we go on our ways now, see ya'll somewhere down the road , Blade and Britt. I'll reply with Unruley and Satan, to Black Mischeif, Black Follower, and Nightingale tomm. I gettin' tired was up all night yesturday t.p ing my friends house LoL, a lil' early but we decided to anyway.Don't feel like we'd do that Blade Lol I also thought about jerking Unruley out when all the hoss's came in. See ya.
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