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Date Posted: 07:09:37 10/11/02 Fri
Author: Lizai
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Subject: OOC: can't stop expressing my anger, too much of it
In reply to: Unruley 's message, "~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~" on 16:27:58 10/02/02 Wed

Kafjir's mun, I'm going to say this: pp'ing *REALLY* upsets me, and you have *DEFINITELY* powerplayed Raven. I keep on having to restrain myself from being childish and using the word 'hate', although I'm probably being childish anyway. Except I'm pretty sure I'm not. I'm pretty sure that YOU need to stop powerplaying or I'll godplay to keep my character alive. I refuse to respond to that post because it's all a bucket of hippo poo. I say 'seeking the jugular' not 'jaws closing around the vital vein'. I say "hooves contact flesh" not "blood does indeed venture forth" and "his target, or at least enough of it, met".

DARNIT I hate when people powerplay, so STOP.

Until you do a *REAL* post, Kafjir doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned.

I ALSO hate the fact that *I* am trying to keep up with the numbers in a fight, and when I bring in 3 characters to even it out, you bring in 3. This is a big mess of nonsense and I'm tempted to just make all my characters disappear right now, and bring them out of it. At least I've still got Bell Chime in reserve -- I'll have to make up something special for her.

This reminds me of a roleplay fight where everybody was just constantly bringing in new characters to help them win, and someone else brought all of this one mare's '100 friends' and I brought in my whole SiM stable, which was like 50 horses. Or maybe the entire sim stable was another time. Yes, it was. It was the time where this one horse had friend wolves and sic-ed them on my character for some petty thing like my character ignoring their character.

I hope this doesn't turn into another addition to the list of immature fights I've seen, but the signs don't look good so far.

Wow, I can sure babble when I want to.

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[> If You Want To -- Kafjir, 11:35:06 10/11/02 Fri (

As the duo of Elix ingress into terra, a loud, all consuming din is given, all matter being evacuated from the falcon’s lungs, causing the cry to reverberate into the surrounding territories. Massive jaguar form swoops downward at the assisting hellions, a loud battle scream erupting from larynx. Target is the masculine that attacks the serpent upon the unruly one’s boa, his vulture like wings folding against his jettison black pelt. As male is able to extend his legs and touch the earth, his bulk is now upon the ground, his long, loping strides bringing him closer to the offending with every second passed. Upon his arrival, muscled hindquarters bunch beneath the brute, and rockets him upward, his jaws parted to reveal dagger sharp fangs. Vital blood carrier is sought out, his intentions to express the thing, to take a player out of the game.

(OOC:: I just realized I didn’t explain why Kafjir and Deplion are here. I have had intentions of brining them in for a considerable time, but this just seemed a good time to do so. Kafjir, Deplion and Ensenya are all related, and I brought them to Creoto to search for a sibling of theirs who has passed on. The entire intention was to bring in more of my own creatures, just as you and Unruley’s mun have done with the hell horses. However, the twist was that their sibling whom they are looking for is dead, and they instead find her daughter. And as for randomly dropping them in this fight…it was a good catalyst to get my characters to find each other. Also, when you’re talking about Pping, bear in mind that everyone has a very different idea of what Pping is. It differs greatly from what you or I may see it as…Someone who may just stop and read this for kicks might not see any powerplaying, where as if you or I were to go in here and do a head count of PPs, it would be astronomical. Again, I feel that I am relatively laid back in regard to what others think. If you feel that I have overstepped a line, PLEASE just make a little note somewhere, and I’ll do it. You honestly don’t need explain yourself, and if you feel like doing so…*shrug* I can’t stop you. Oh, and in regard to using names, I usually will say “the brute ‘namehere’”, where as I will refer to my own as “ the brute”. Anyway, that was my turn to rant, please just post back if you see anything that needs to be changed.]

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