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Date Posted: 15:31:09 10/17/02 Thu
Author: *Fonce ~Malvado
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Subject: \\No Mercy//

* She wolf padded in nares catching scents of other beings, no life had they seen scence they had come into this new strange world. Silver-grey pelt showed not of her blood t'was exact opposite, for evil followed along side her. As came pon' equines, with auds upright showing to pose no threat for they were of darkblooded too.

~ Son of she wolf quickly passed her, yet he was grown he remained along side her though other lupine brother had parted with the two, they had finally found others. Unlike mother approached with auds laced to cranium not knowing what they were yet to come pon'. He trotted swiftly passing dam to see the ebonite coloring a wickid appearances and realized they were of no enemy. Pelt possessed same coloring as other canine yet was much bolder and larger.

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[> \\No Time To Kill...// -- *Fonce ~Malvado, 20:44:43 10/25/02 Fri (

* Femme backed away from the group seeing to much sputing was here to make an entance that it twas best if they passed onward.

~ Brujo nudged dam lightly showing his approval of moving on. Silver-grey wolf clearly made way around the fighting group with ears layed back as if not wanting to be seen. He padded through and only glanced back once to make sure his mother was to follow.

* Platinum pelted figure trapsed behind son, slinking slowly yet silently to exit the terrian. Pads were tiring of traveling only making more and more anxious to find their own terrian. Catching up to the eldest of the two offspring she had, gladly licked his face only slightly of graditude as any pack member would do. Then passed by him and continued to lead the two of them.

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