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Date Posted: 13:56:47 10/23/02 Wed
Author: Sayyid Laheeb
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Subject: Firey Shadow

Firey shadow casts 'cross the lands, virile's talons piercing the dry red earth. Orbs scrutinize each figure until finding that of his mate. Plutonian parts labrium in hellish cry, tone screamin' forth to the Cutthroat. Her trail had made precedence for him and that of the foals. Occuli glazed in aberration, glinting with derangement, as he scans about the valley. Flint paws, creating a swirl of crimson dust about his figure as he awaits signal from his mate. What twas the buisness in this harem?

Sayyid Laheeb
+ + + Master of the Flame + + + Can You Tame the Flame? + + +

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[> :|| haunting me /there were bloodstains\ -- Redeemer and Bloodletting, 13:50:55 10/24/02 Thu (

:|| petite fatale viewed her sire's prescence in the area and shifted into a slow motion towards him.

:|| whuffling a few breaths as she came to his side,redeemer ducked beneath the bodice that towered well over her.

:|| acute lobes swivled atop her delicate cranium as her cerise optics watched closely as her sibling followed after her.

the young brute followed after his sister closely, also coming to sayyid laheeb.

halting, his nares flared as he caught the scent of his mother slowly returning to the area. narrowing his oynx oculi he briefly caught the blurry outline of his dam.

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[> [> ..open your hate.. -- Slave Dancer, 14:12:45 10/24/02 Thu (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..arriving at the small gathering of her new family, slave dancer greeted the trio with a small nod of her head..

..there was no hint that she and her half sister had gotten into an arguement. watching as redeemer 'cowered' beneath her sire..

..shifting in closer to them, fatale lowered crania to be eye-level with the filly. except for the eye color, their oculi were identical.what is wrong, young one? she inquired the filly and patiently awaited an answer..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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[> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 15:26:46 10/24/02 Thu (

Hellions optics boiled with the oynx blood that pumped through veins she charged to her half-sisters side, she wasn't through with her if she dared insult her like that, she cared not if her neice, nefu and new brother in-law were before her, "You Bitch how dare the say even half of that, for more than half was nothing but lies!! First of all I never called for father in that whole rape, he found my dissappearance rather unusual and followed the trail left behind to come to me. Look I'm sorry father wasn't there for you when it happened to you, but you sorry excuse for a darkblood, it wasn't my fault don't take out his mistakes on me!!! It was his fault completely I was and Devilish were born, it would suit me fine if hadn't been brought into this family, thou need not blame being useless on me. Go yell your head off at him! As for Misery I couldn't give a shit about Misery Decay ethier way, he's an insaine bastard, that has nothing left to live for, as the rest of us, I hope he never falls at my feet until after my fawn is born then he shall fall begging for his life. I'd never take him back for all of the universe, of course I never would have been with him in the first place. He'll pay completely!!! I will return to Hamunaptra you won't have to worry about that as soon as Misery is dead, for I'm sick and tired of being blamed for all father has done, don't worry I know you'll probaly continue to blame it on me. I won't be around to hear it all! I don't need to hear your bragging ethier about that damn lining Good I'm glad you earned it, rub it in my face! I beleive you just want matters worse than better for you seem to always root into it just a little more each time the subject is brought up. But you don't know me Dancer and I doubt you ever will, as I thought I knew who you were but I was wrong! I'll leave you now for I know a lot will be removed from thee's mind for you could care less for I thought siblings were to help one another it seems as if won't happen in our family. I'll be damned if I stay with the hellions for you all are a screwed up family that takes pleasure in only making matters worse, I may have they're blood but I'll take my dam's side!!! Hamunaptra is an oppertunity for me, it's one of Hells only kingdoms thats still hasn't gone insaine." She turned she had wished she and her sibling were never at each others throat as they always had been but what t'was done was done. She knew Dancer was only going to argue back but yet t'was what she would do also. They were totally different and she wouldn't be surprise at the least if her half-sibling continued the hatred for her. Firey optics rolled within dished cranium slender figure began to walk away from Dancer for she no longer cared about this matter t'was if they both were fighting for which were better.

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[> [> Part 2~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ (sorry left out a part) -- Unruley, 15:35:34 10/24/02 Thu (

Fatales taut limbs began to carry form back to small group of allies, ashen daggers smoldered in hooves prints as the dull-golden fog arose from the earth in the inprints showing the anger that raged within her. Nares flared with deep fury trying to calm herself trying to push out the thought of the spute. Auds laced back to cranium her swift pacing trot halted suddenly with a sharp pain from barrel, knowing the stress wasn't helping the life she held within her, orbs blinked once in wincing trying to shove away pain. Shaking crest viciously eyes shot back to normal no emotion at all yet she stood boldly pon' legs trying to calm herself still feeling seveir pains. Ribs heaved up and down and slowly started to slow along with pains.

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[> [> [> ..open your hate.. -- Slave Dancer, 16:14:23 10/24/02 Thu (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..listening to her sister's words no reply was made. whether or not she didn't feel like continuing the brawl or her attention was preoccupied with her hidden offspring was not obvious..

..fatale sensed the sibling's pain quite easily but she didn't ask or say anything on that ethier. unruley was too irritated with her to even listen or reply to her..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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[> [> [> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 16:19:18 10/24/02 Thu (

Femme continued to ignore sibling, and pain struck once more yet she didn't show it and began to lay down, from, pain no t'wasn't birth for t'was to early in pregnancy but she need not to put such stress on while carrying her young. She tried to act as if nothing were wrong yet the pain was ever worse as it felt fire roared within her barrel. She lay trying to rid herself of pain.

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[> [> [> [> [> Patient -- Sayyid Laheeb, 12:44:46 10/25/02 Fri (

Form of youths are kept well in mind, naught wanting them to stray close to their mother at this time.

Be patient, young ones. She shall return to us in time.

Optics knew what sight was before him. Quarrel amongst siblings was crystal clear to him, and perhaps to the young filly. Gentle nudge is placed upon her wee crest, a futile attempt of re-assurance. Nicker is emmitted to fall upon both their lobes. He was near. . . and no harm would come to any of them.

Sayyid Laheeb
+ + + Master of the Flame + + + Can You Tame the Flame? + + +

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Just so ya know...(OOC) -- Unruley's Mun (Faith), 15:31:50 10/25/02 Fri (

(OOC: Sayyid Laheeb Mun, I dun know ya very well yet, but anyhow just thought I'd tell you Unruley has a temper but wouldn't harm Dancer's Twins, it sounded in the end of your message that you thought she'd hurt them, just thought I'd tell ya. And probaly wouldn't get in a physical fight with Dancer ethier, well I have ta eat supper now, so ttyl)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Sayyid OOC -- Sayyid's Player, 16:00:15 10/25/02 Fri (

OOC: I wasn't implying that you would hurt the foals. I just didn't know if the arguement betwixt the two mares would turn physical. Just playing my character....sorry!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> I wasn't.... (OOC) -- Unruley, 16:16:10 10/25/02 Fri (

(OOC: I didn't mean for ya to take it personal, I luf your charectar, I just figured scence he hadn't seen Unruley before that you might think that, sorry if you took it the wrong way. I just wanted to inform you about Unruley. Sorry...)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Sayyid OOC -- Sayyid's Player, 16:47:14 10/25/02 Fri (

OOC: No harm done. No worries.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> OOC -- Faith, 20:37:14 10/25/02 Fri (

(OOC: kk, good glad you understand.::Thinks to self:: "I need to learn how to use my words better")

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[> [> [> [> [> [> :|| haunting me /bloodstains\ -- Redeemer and Bloodletting, 10:10:49 10/26/02 Sat (

:|| young bruja still withstood her position beneath her sire, the front of her head pushed into the curve of his leg now.

:|| redeemer did know of the arguement, she could hear it in her head. the anger between the two she could feel and it was a little too much or her fragile and just born physique.

rather then stand beneath the massive frame of his sire, bloodletting only stood close by. the nicker of re-assurance seeped into his lobes and he quieted.

optics and triangular shaped ears were still pivoted and looking to the area where the voices were coming from. bloodletting seem to understood that their sire wanted them to stay near to him, and he listened. normally he would have ventured off even if he was punished, but he knew better.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Calming -- Sayyid Laheeb, 11:32:45 10/26/02 Sat (

Wontedly obdurate and callous nature transmogrifies, affording a calming aura to the scions. Mug lowers and expells warm wafts of air billowing from nostrils and over their petite corpus. Tis true, he saw how efficacious and adroit mind the young filly possesed, and how the tension troubled her. And low, how greatly restricted the vivacious, mettlesome colt was to be required to stay by sire's flank! But the wise brood knew that saftey could be found in paternal and maternal alike.

Orbs cast toward the not so distant horizon, gaguing the actions and tones in which the duo mares displayed. Unsure of the merit for this 'meeting', he held his distance . . . knowing he would be called upon if needed.

Sayyid Laheeb
+ + + Master of the Flame + + + Can You Tame the Flame? + + +

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> šSpeaking of The Devilš -- Satan, 13:03:20 10/26/02 Sat (

Young steed stood boldly his attention quickly wandered from Follower to his mother and Dancer, he felt the argument as well as heard it through the own alert upright auds. How could he have been so foolish as to have not noticed his own mothers pregnancy. How could this have happened? His thoughts seemed to stream together now. When did it happen? How could it, he was with her constantly. How did Misery get so much as within ten feet of her? He shook forelock trying to drain the thoughts but they kept coming more than ever now. Why hadn't she told him? He felt the cruel words and slowly drifted away from the game, t'wards his now colapsed dam. He now completely forgot about the foolishness he had been playing with the filly and came to dam's side, How could Dancer blame his grand-sire's and her own sire's mistakes and sins pon dam? So many questions and so little to answer from, his mind struggled with the subject as he approached the quarl. He lowered cranium to Unruley to assist if possible though he could not see pain from emtions he was feeling her pain in his own ashen heart but yet felt his own confusion, why hadn't she told him?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 13:25:34 10/26/02 Sat (

Fatales pain drifted though t'wasnt shown in facial expressions or emotions any that could feel her pain would have known. She continued to remain silent to sibiling and felt guilt of not speaking to own offspring of the matter but twas the first time she had come upon him after the rape was in the battle against Skajira and there was no time in it to speak of it. She slowly replaced the slender limbs beneth her, and arose her still slender bold being. Auds flickered forth to awaiting allies realizing they wouldn't have understood the matter. She felt her sons aid but required no help. She steadily made way for the pair awaiting her. Remaining calm restraining temper she spoke to the two, "I'll be returning to my terrian, Cendre d'Secrete I'd be glad if you came, for I havn't seen the three of you for quite awhile I'm sure you've had a long story scence then."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> +Flirting With Rage and Fire The She-Devil+ -- Black Follower, 10:37:30 11/10/02 Sun (

THe filly chases after her friend she was wondering what was wrong with him. Turning around quickly and looking behind her she squeals and calls out for Satan. A stallion from the goodie side was chasing her away from her closest friend Satan. She looked at the colt pleadingly hoping he might help her but the goodie stallion followed her glance and she quickly found herself deep in the forest with the silver stallion staring down at her. She tryed to get up bu couldn't she was tyed with ropes. She gave out one loud cry before falling back asleep. "Satan! Mischief! Daddy! Someone Help me!" then she fell back asleep dreaming of roses and her gaurdians telling her she must find a man to marry.

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[> -v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 09:06:27 10/27/02 Sun (

Dial toss'd, in an equine equivalent of a shrug. "No story here. And I thank you for the invitation, Unruley, but I wish to create one." Whirling, fatale sets off t'wards Zespri.

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[> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ šSpeaking of The Devilš -- Unruley & Satan, 11:53:22 10/27/02 Sun (

She was in wander of where her friend would go, perhaps she would find something more to this land, maybe also an alliance. Though the reunion between the two had been fairly short she had enjoyed it. Dished cranium arose watching her dissappear perhaps she could find something if she joined Nightingale, Cendre d'Secrete had lost it's everything with Crimpson Flames, t'was time she moved on. Deciding in mind to follow the friend she turned to her son trying to explane, " My son, I couldn't have told you for I had not time to see you scence the happening. Don't wander for all shall be fine it will just take time, besides thou will have a sibling now for the first time, perhaps you'll enjoy. For now I beleive we should move on, there's nothing left in cendre, I'll be following Nightingale, if you wish to come along your welcome, but I can see why if you wish to part."

Steed nodded knowing of his dam's reasons, she needed to move on from his father now, but he would cling to what he had for t'was all he had left of him, "I'll part with thee dam but you shall know of my dwellings I'll remain in father's terrian. I wish thou luck in your journey, bring back the new fawn when she is born, until then I send you my farewells."

Hellion understood and kept unemotional, but couldn't help but feel the loss of her offspring yet he would be so close he would seem so far away. She said nothing to her sibling still but turned mug into the air taking in the scent of Nightingales trail and would follow her now. Nothing was left for her anywhere else. On swift feet figure dissappeared amoungst the edge of the strong flowing river letting out a strong whicker for a farwell to her son.

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