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Date Posted: 13:03:20 10/26/02 Sat
Author: Satan
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Subject: šSpeaking of The Devilš
In reply to: Redeemer and Bloodletting 's message, ":|| haunting me /bloodstains\" on 10:10:49 10/26/02 Sat

Young steed stood boldly his attention quickly wandered from Follower to his mother and Dancer, he felt the argument as well as heard it through the own alert upright auds. How could he have been so foolish as to have not noticed his own mothers pregnancy. How could this have happened? His thoughts seemed to stream together now. When did it happen? How could it, he was with her constantly. How did Misery get so much as within ten feet of her? He shook forelock trying to drain the thoughts but they kept coming more than ever now. Why hadn't she told him? He felt the cruel words and slowly drifted away from the game, t'wards his now colapsed dam. He now completely forgot about the foolishness he had been playing with the filly and came to dam's side, How could Dancer blame his grand-sire's and her own sire's mistakes and sins pon dam? So many questions and so little to answer from, his mind struggled with the subject as he approached the quarl. He lowered cranium to Unruley to assist if possible though he could not see pain from emtions he was feeling her pain in his own ashen heart but yet felt his own confusion, why hadn't she told him?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 13:25:34 10/26/02 Sat (

Fatales pain drifted though t'wasnt shown in facial expressions or emotions any that could feel her pain would have known. She continued to remain silent to sibiling and felt guilt of not speaking to own offspring of the matter but twas the first time she had come upon him after the rape was in the battle against Skajira and there was no time in it to speak of it. She slowly replaced the slender limbs beneth her, and arose her still slender bold being. Auds flickered forth to awaiting allies realizing they wouldn't have understood the matter. She felt her sons aid but required no help. She steadily made way for the pair awaiting her. Remaining calm restraining temper she spoke to the two, "I'll be returning to my terrian, Cendre d'Secrete I'd be glad if you came, for I havn't seen the three of you for quite awhile I'm sure you've had a long story scence then."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> +Flirting With Rage and Fire The She-Devil+ -- Black Follower, 10:37:30 11/10/02 Sun (

THe filly chases after her friend she was wondering what was wrong with him. Turning around quickly and looking behind her she squeals and calls out for Satan. A stallion from the goodie side was chasing her away from her closest friend Satan. She looked at the colt pleadingly hoping he might help her but the goodie stallion followed her glance and she quickly found herself deep in the forest with the silver stallion staring down at her. She tryed to get up bu couldn't she was tyed with ropes. She gave out one loud cry before falling back asleep. "Satan! Mischief! Daddy! Someone Help me!" then she fell back asleep dreaming of roses and her gaurdians telling her she must find a man to marry.

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