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Subject: you dont fool me..

the mime
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Date Posted: 18:51:31 06/02/02 Sun
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In reply to: River Heart 's message, "unsure" on 17:51:55 06/02/02 Sun

the tense atmosphere is more then this fiend, actually able to feel it shifting about his body, can take. a gentle growl escapes and he pivots gracefully, turning to glance behind his back at his mate, the only reason that he still remains in this wretched hell zone. why did i have to choose someone generous? he asks himself irritably as a sigh evades from his lips. "naamah, love...i do not seem to be wanted here," here is where his utterance is ceased and his eyes slowly slide over to the silverblood, snorting softly in such emotion that what his true intention is remains shrouded in cloaks of dark and mystique. "your friends do not seem to appreciate my presence as much as i had hoped. if you do not mind me taking my leave...i believe you can get more sense out of the youth if i am not here. she seems uneasy around me...i shall meet you at castlecrest valley when you are ready...that way i can hunt." he declares in a quiet vocalization, sighing softly awaiting naamah's judgment, sensing the hunger rolling through his body and nearly trembling visibly...nearly. it hurt so much, and the dragon ripped through his body, taking pleasure in the pain that it caused it's host. but he remains perfectly stoic, not hinting at the pain inside of him, but mentally cursing the dragon and pursuing the released darkness, capturing it and pulling it back inside of it's cage and then proceeding to beat it. literally. inside of him, his evil half is beaten and lying helplessly in a cage, while his good barely drags itself out alive...how long can i keep this up, with me being so weak once you look farther then the skin?

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No Foolin‘?Naamah21:23:46 06/02/02 Sun

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