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Date Posted: 09:12:08 09/08/02 Sun
Author: Kharmendarhra
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Subject: ::|:: superb ::|::
In reply to: Aiji 's message, "Creature Of The Night" on 12:02:43 09/07/02 Sat

::|:: The winged jaguaress seats herself boredly. Superb. Then why do you seek him, pray tell?

And then, in an undertone, she continues quietly- I only call him master because he defeated me in battle and took me captive instead of killing me. And now he's looking for a new land for his mares and foals... and I want to escape. Her eyes grin as she adds an afterthought- You haven't met any interesting winged big-cat males anywhere, have you?::|::

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[> [> [> Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 10:36:31 09/08/02 Sun (

Younger allows a vague shrug to roll off of her bi-toned shoulders, her gaze still trained upon the other hellion, both observing and passing judging.

I seek end what my mother started, in a sense. I hold no hatred for Skajira, nor for his youth. I simply seek the end of the hatred, that is all that matters to me for the time at hand.

Lobes swivel forward as her tone softens, her cranial slowly declining and leaning forward, her expression that of a young child being told and important secret. A slightly predatory grin is flashed to the other, a soft chuckle resounding from her lips.

I would dare to guess that one such as Skajira does not fancy his claimences escaping…perhaps I am wrong…

Another shrug is issued, her head shaking vaguely.

No, though I wish one would show up. As far as I know, we seem to be the last of our kind…Yet, perhaps, this is a good thing…You know, preserving our race in the best?

She smiles yet again as she leans back, her attention momentarily moving toward the appearing form of Skajira, a single ‘brow’ raising to companion in question.

He doesn’t seem to fancy you very much…

Her expression changes to a slightly concerned frown, again carefully studying the other.

I wouldn’t want a death threat on my life for wanting freedom…

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[> [> [> [> ::|:: chuckle ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 12:56:11 09/08/02 Sun (

::|:: Chuckling wryly the fatale shoots a deadly glare at Skajira, but remains silent until he disappears, and then speaks before he reappears. Yes, well, I entered his territory and his idiotic filly Qyvir pestered me, and I thought to teach her a lesson. And then suddenly I was flat on the ground with his teeth around my neck, and a wide gash in my wing. She sighs with a shrug.

Well, perhaps, but our kind must either find some males of our species... or breed with normal big cats. She tilts her head conspiratorially, and inquisitively. You know that Skajira can transform into a black jaguar at will? Well, I was considering... She appears embarrassed, insofar as that is possible. You know, maybe, having a litter with him if he requested it of me. I mean, then my genes would continue, and he is powerful, and... She breaks off briefly, but then continues. I'd love my offspring to be able to transform into equines. It would be very useful.

Clamping her mouth shut, the black fatale looks extremely embarrassed, having just spilled so much to this stranger. But... she couldn't help feeling some kind of kinship- at least in appearance, this lady was the closest she had seen in Creoto to her own kind. ::|::

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[> [> [> [> [> Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 15:08:32 09/10/02 Tue (

A single lobe remains angled toward the exiting Skajira, yet her gaze remains upon the other, listening intently as the other "spills". A vague smirk crosses dark labrum as her confession of her slight interest in the felequine mascu, her interest level in this other suddenly rising. Fifth appendage wraps nonchalantly around the creature's coiled haunches, the tip of the thin whip twitching slightly. Dial tilts off to one side, the white blaze that runs down the center of the sprite's face gleaming in the sunlight provided from above. Gaze continues to turn toward where Skajira had appeared, then disappeared, her guard up just incase the falcon decided to reappear and force Kharmendarhra off with him, instead of allowing her the freedom to continue on to him on her own accord.

Normal big cats?

A snort is issued through slitted nostrils, her skull shaking slightly.

As far as I know, there ARE no males...of our kind or otherwise.

A soft sigh sounds from the hellion’s lips, her eyes widening slightly as The Devil (pun intended o’course) again appears, watching in near helplessness as her ‘comrade’, if they are yet to that level, is herded and taken away, her eyes two gems of sapphire against the black of her pelt. Without a word, feline hellion turns herself into a great heron, the transformation taking just over a minuet. The great white bird stretches it’s massive wingspan, and with a single flap of its mighty wings, is lifted from the emerald terra and into the azure sky…her designation is, immediately, Mount Camaron…her ultimate destination? Hell.

(Ah, the idiocy of local DSL servers. Please pardon how long it took to post.)

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