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Date Posted: 14:32:54 10/07/02 Mon
Author: Ensenya
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Subject: Down To One Last Breath

Minature ashen blip stalks along the perimeter of the terra, coal hued orbs scanning through the district for sign of foe. The short, stalky frame of the individual is that of the panther of jaguar, the short, yet still young legs of the creature showing the proposed power once her prime had been reached. Bodice is of an unhindered snow hue, yet upon the proud cranial of the cub is a black streak, running from the center of the beastess’s forehead, and down her face, throat, and ending at the point of juncture where her two muscled breasts meet. From her protruding shoulder blades sprang a magnificent black wingspan, all of them, except for the row which rimed the bottom of the appendages, were of a pearlesent black, the colors of the rainbow reflected in each individual feather. The last row of annexes were of a opaque white, their hue rivaling that of newly fallen snow.

This cub, no older than a three cycles, had struck out from her homeland, leaving behind the tedium that would greet her once the ‘proper age’ had been reached. Strong willed and defiant from the day of her birth, she had openly defied her clan’s expectations, and instead quickly rose through the cubish ranks, regardless of her gender. A legend among her generation, she fought, rebelled, lashed out at, and denied anything and everything that was expected of a female of her age. By now, however, most rebels had settled into the life that they would lead, and allowed some sort of mental molding to take place, to become part of the greater mass. Again, flat out denial upon the fem’s part. Often hailed as the clan’s weak link, all members came to expect her antics, and none were surprised when she delivered.

A vaguely wistful sigh is executed as youth shakes her head, the pity for her kind expressed in her façade. Fools, the lot of them. Nothing was of more interest than carrying on lines and creating more dolts, and more after that. That was all they were to each other now, a means of reproduction. If one was not able to carry, birth or impregnate, they were of little use…A midwife, if such a humanized term may be used, would be all they were good for in the eyes of the masses. Raven resembling wings ruffle at creature’s back, her gaze moving over the district with a renewed vigor. Fully capable of being accepted, in the eyes of her own kind, hellion would prove them wrong, they need not be mindless pieces of meat, simply there to procreate. Sentry post is taken up at edge of territory, feminine taking a fancy to this land. Clamiance is made, this lush wonderland now her own.

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