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Date Posted: 17:54:46 10/08/02 Tue
Author: Liberty
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Subject: ¤Freedom May Ring But Will It Last...¤

Steed stopped shortly lowering mug to emerald shoots and began to pick at the blades. Glemming white pelt caught every glint of sun that passed as he grazed slowly, clearing his mind and thinking of what was ahead.

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[> Down To One Last Breath -- Ensenya, 00:01:08 10/09/02 Wed (

Cranial lifts as mascu equine is spotted, a snarl crossing the hellion’s features. Lanky body is gathered over stocky appendages, prowling gait leading creature toward the unsuspecting herbivore. Annexes fold from creature’s body, yet are kept out straight, span much like a bird, stretching its wings to either side of its body. As approach is made, a low, threatening snarl is released from larynx, obsidian orbs narrowed, as if scanning for a weakness from the brute. Alabaster physique suddenly dashes forward, directly before his forelegs. This would either cause surprise, causing the male to rear upward to get out of harm’s way, to back up to see the obstruction, or to strike out to move the obstruction. The first two of the three options is desired most of all, for the third would involve pain…they all, eventually, would involve pain, if the stud so chose, yet she wished to wait on it, if only for a few moments time.

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[> [> Down To One Last Breath -- Ensenya, 21:19:34 10/10/02 Thu (

A single lobe swivels backward as a familiar yowl echoes through the area, her attention leaving the equine before her. With a begrudging snort, ashen femora turns and lopes from the TT, entering the Blood Bath

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[> ¤Freedom May Ring But Will it Last...¤ -- Liberty, 20:45:02 10/12/02 Sat (

Redblood brujo threw up his figure pon' powerful snowy haunches. He struck out with oynx daggers t'wards the threatener, eyed it cautiously and landed back pon' all limbs. His optics followed the being out of the terrian, not leaving of fear nor from the threat but was traveling and knew he must move onward. Delicate ears laced back to cranium he tossed the silken mane and started off once again loping out of the territory.

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