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Date Posted: 17:03:56 09/26/02 Thu
Author: Unruley
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Subject: ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~

Fatale enters the territory, it seemed as if the most dangerous of thees nightmares followed with her. The darkblooded femora was escaping the Devil, knowing he hadn't yet followed her a short snort of releif came from her nares, she would bring forth no fawn of his onto this earth when he only wanted her for pleasure and not for the love. tea-cupped cranium lifted high, she carried herself lightly and swiftly into the weaving tangled, cliffs, sharp and never ending pathes is all they with held. Slender form came to a halt and slipped within the dark cornors of a small tight fit cave. She would only remain here for a little time, and then continue onward.

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[> -*-Laughter-*- -- Skajira, 13:38:43 09/27/02 Fri (

-*-Appearing at the mouth of the cave with a little *blip*, the felequine in deadly panther shape has used his power of Omitir Extaziz to reach the place in seconds. His eyes gleam with a grin and his teeth are bared.

Did you really think you could outrun the Devil, my lovely? He stalks closer; and she is cornered, there being but one entrance to this dark place. If I cannot have you for my own... none shall. With that he lunges forward, pouncing, claws unsheathed and teeth reaching for her throat.-*-

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[> [> -*-More-*- -- Skajira, 13:40:48 09/27/02 Fri (

{OOC: Sorry, I had more to add}

-*-With a blinding light and a deafening chant, the black jaguar-felequine uses his power of Chorus of Sky... and steals her vision for a moment with Sight Thief.

Outside the sun is setting; as the night falls, Destructive Dusk will set in and he will be able to set anything he likes aflame with but a touch. This is not a good hour to confront the Devil incarnate.-*-

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[> [> [> ~*~The Lies... They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 15:46:12 09/28/02 Sat (

Seeing the steed apear before her no terror is shown nor does she feel any for he shall never have her, t'was set in her one track mind and it would never be changed. She hissed and steam seemed to drift with the vocals, "I don't think I can escape you.. I Know I can." With that she rips her cranium away from his lunging claws, and takes the whites that bare from between the defined lips clamping them down at his own throat. Her vision gone for a short while she fears nothing for her insticts would lead her. Her slender figure seemed to began to fade bearing into the flame form only royalty of Hell bared Her whole figure exposed as embers. A glowing black flame formed about her figure, protecting her from any flame attaks (not from physic from the enemy. Her blazing hind daggers swirled her form around flying at Skajira's head. She then whirled around once more to face the stallion, she reared pawing into the atmosphere which seemed to grow ever hotter with the flames flying into air. her scent was quickly fading now and could only be discovered by closness, the season would quickly be over. She screamed her vocals at an ear peircing rate, as the whites again and again came to Skajira contact would be seveir and painful. Her raging optics showed her fury, she'd escape if it cost her life, she had nothing left now. Her wicked voice came filled with the anger, "If you wanted me you should have done it the right way, now I doubt you'll lay and orb pon' me after this!"

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[> Um -- Blade, 05:30:39 09/29/02 Sun (

You kinda powerplayed just the teeeeniest bit there, saying you grabbed his throat... and this mare can avoid any damaging from a complete surprise attack from a lunging jaguar in a small cave? Oh well.

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[> [> ummm.... -- Faith, 09:49:46 09/29/02 Sun (

Excuse me sorry, for using one wrong word. I didn't mean she grabbed his throat I ment grabbed "at" his throat. The only reason dodging the teeth happened is because the cave might be small but I think there is enough room for her to jerk her head up. Any way sorry if you think I was power playing, I'll make sure I use my words clearer next time.

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[> .careful. -- fate&destiny, 08:33:10 09/29/02 Sun (

Both had best beware. This land is not the safest, nor the best for a battle. So far, injuries have been narrowly avoided, but the future is unspoken for...

It would be wise to move your quarrel to another location.

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[> Apology -*-Wary-*-
-- Blade & Skajira, 09:23:07 09/30/02 Mon (

Ick, I am very sorry, I was just in a kinda sucky mood which I shouldn't have taken out on you, though I do think you can see why I would have interpreted that as a powerplay, no? (and I HATE the stupid subject and name limits!!! -murders them)

-*-Starting severely at the forbodings he senses, he snorts. If you are a coward, stay here. If you have any guts whatsoever, I shall see you in the Bloodbath briefly.

Not wishing to risk the hazardous descent, he morphs to stallion shape and *blip*s down into his old home.-*-

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[> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 16:23:41 10/02/02 Wed (

Femmora tosses flaming cranium wildly, why should she follow him, her point was to escape him not come with him. She wouldn't let her name go down in the embers she burned in, within. She immediatly charged after him to return to The Bloodbath, she'd beat him down until there was nothing but his name left to him.

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