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Date Posted: 15:34:24 10/16/02 Wed
Author: *Fonce ~Malvado
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Subject: \\No Mercy//

* Lupine became aggrivated yet once again to have to go through such a large terrian but now noted it had atleast recently held some beings for the scent was strong of other beings, heading over the jagged stones she made her way over them quick as she could so cuts would lessen.

~Malvado wished to not go through the terrian but seeing dams pace quickening his nares caught scent of the recent beings also and sped up hoping to see some form of life.

*~ Yet the two plantinium-grey wolves stopped close to about half way through the mountain panting, and licking small wounds carefully and prepared to leave soon.

* Femme's thoughts seemed to wander she was thinking of her other son who had parted with the rest and could only wish him the best and hope he too would find some sort of life.

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[> \\No Mercy// -- *Fonce ~Malvado, 15:25:48 10/17/02 Thu (

* She wolf turned leading the way once again and making it over the sharp stoned mountian, and headed into next terrian.

~ Malvado shortly sighed hoping they would run across another beings soon now and followed after dam.

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