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-> -- home in my heart, 17:27:34 02/19/02 Tue (
::the black unicorn strode forward her soft blue orbs darting around n easly she approched standing 3 feet from the steed her 'master' her sire her trainer had taunt her to be submissive and to serve stallions::
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-> -- Midnight in Montgomery, 14:53:52 02/20/02 Wed (
He nodded his head to her, he starred at her looking her over, he thought she was as beautiful as Meldody,"and a good day to you to m'lady are you passing through or also looking for a place to rest," his black orbs starred into her blue ones with an enchanting look within' them, he grinned. He hoped that maybe he could have both mares eventualy as his own, but that would come all in good time.
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-> -- all in all, 06:59:29 02/21/02 Thu (
(running outa time so I'm gonna put both posts in one place)
::the ivory mare smiles to the new commer:: Good day Ma'am
::active as always she darted from behind her dam niped teh large stallions tail and then darted back grining quite pleaced with her self::
(home in my heart)
::the mare smiled softly surpised to be greeting with kindness:: Aye, M'lord I am both of what you say but more then that I also seak a home amung other things
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 14:56:46 02/21/02 Thu (
He turned quickly feeling the nip, to see that it was the filly, he stretched out his neck and flared his nostrols playfuly to her and flared his mighty wings suddenly to see if it would scare her. He turned back to Home in my heart, a slight smile creased upon his face, He spoke, "you are welcome to stay here as long (he turned his head to the other mare) as you wish, both of you. I would enjoy some company for nothing else seems to live here but myself." A pause came in his speaking then he countinued, "May I ask of all your names?"
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- -- all, 16:33:20 02/21/02 Thu (
::The filly squeled and jumped back but then surpised the stallion by rearing (as best she could) and flareing her own tiny wings::
::she smiled the stallion reacted well to her daulghters playful habbits a good sign she spoke first:: I am Melody and this is my daulghter her name is Akema , we would love to stay here.
_home in my heart_
::the ebony mare noded and spoke her tone soft:: I am called Home in my Heart ,my lord. and I would be honored to stay here.
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-> -- Midnight in Montgomery, 19:33:57 02/22/02 Fri (
He laughed a little out loud with an uncontrolible, comedy the filley had just brought, her tiny wings were beautiful but it was funney that she reacted slightly brave. He looked to Melody who had replyed first, A beautiful name for the both of you, I wil be happy to have you here. He then turned to Home in my Heart, that is a beutiful name also, I am glad that you to have decided to stay here amongst my territory. I guess I should introduce myself, I am Midnight in Montgomery, you may call me Midnight. s the sun was begining to fade amonst the pinkish sky which signled for bad weather soon, The stars began to pop out and glemmed within the almost dark sky. He spoke once more itseems to be getting dark, I know of a ear by meadow which I have thought might be nice restful place if you wish I may show it to you. He turned and slowly walked a few steps and turned to see if they were fallowing.
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-> -- ALL, 21:28:54 02/22/02 Fri (
:The filly in the mood the play raced after him kicking up trying to show off as it was her nature::
::smiled and noded:: Thank you it would be an honor::as she troted after him::
::bowed:: Thank you m'lord I am greatful.
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->LOL -- Midnight in Montgomery, 06:48:08 02/23/02 Sat (
Seeing the foals showing off, he threw out his heels much above the filly so not to hit her, then he whirled around playfuly and stamped his two front feet, and snorted. He then turned stopping his laughing to Homein my Heart, you are both certainly welcome but please don't cal me m'lord it makes me feel as if I'm thosads of years old. He countinued troting until he reached a meadow, he halted and turned to them, well no here it is, I'm sure you'll like it, I will be here shortly I have something I must check on and then I shall retun, send a sharp whistle if danger comes. With that he turned and galloped as if he were grease lihtning, his ebony body disappeared almost within the Darkness, his handsome body seemed to be flying as his strides churned up the ground beneth him, his muscles twisted and knoted beneth his pelt as he countinued on to where he had hidden his treasure.
(LOL, I know, thats funny, never actualy thought of it that way, LOL)
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->< -- all, 09:22:20 02/25/02 Mon (
::the mares stood side by side and grazed calmly while the young filly darted 'round them::
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-> -- Midnight in Montgomery, 15:59:38 02/25/02 Mon (
He spotted his treasure seeing it was alright he headed back to the mares spying almost, how was he going to get both of theses mares he wanted to do it one at a time he thought hard and waited to see if he could conclude something.
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-=> -- all, 14:09:17 03/03/02 Sun (
::the small filly bucked around enjoying the safty on ccasion lifting skyward and landing a few feet away::
::the fillys dam chucked watching her and turned back to grazeing::
::the ebony mare had moved back some what from teh group as she smelt differnt , heat had come to her for her first season and she was un sure::
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-> -- Midnight in Montgomery, 15:04:04 03/05/02 Tue (
Midnight smelled the familar smell, the scent almost over came him with is instincts, but he restrained himself. He loped a lazy, but fast lope around the woods heading to where the mare in heat was, this would his perfect chance he thought. He approached her now coming from the woods he slowed into a toe dancing walk, he snorted and tossed his mighty head. His wings were flared out full length, he tucked his chin to his chest, and seemed to rack towards the mare. He stopped near her not rearing but throwing his hooves out. He approached her with cauton careful not to scare her. He stopped around 10 yards from her and his wild eyes rolled showing their whites, as he nickered out to her a greeting. His out stretched head whiffed the air once more smelling her scent. He now approached her more closly now, he trotted to her and whirled around turning, and trotted away , he came back once more and nudged her shoulder and did the same trotting away, he was slightly flirting with her. He whistled out to her each time he trotted to her. He grinned and looked back each time when he troted away, he had a handsome yet mischevious grin. His handsome and mighty body carried his trot easily and gracfuly each time.
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-> -- home in my heart, 15:52:21 03/06/02 Wed (
::her ears perk, her defined yet slinder head lifted in confusion she nickered out to him softy unsure how to react at his actions not sure what he wanted::
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 11:48:59 03/12/02 Tue (
He smiled within himself he knew she was confused, he laughed aloud playfuly maybe his game would turn to flirting he planned within his mind. He canterreed tossing his mane he bucked out and playfuly laughed and his handsome body came towards her he shoved his nose to her shoulder, I bet you couldn't catch a a snail, he trotted away waiting to see if she would dare try to catch him. There was a certain twinkle in his dark orbs as he waited,
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