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-> R.A.G.E -- Midnight In montgomery, 15:09:22 05/23/02 Thu (
The handsome, magnificent steed rushes into the between of the four, he turned with a hard look to the black bloods whom he over towarded well. He sneered seeing the blackbloods. "I demand, you remain where you are for another step will bring the darkness of death and a fight to lerk about you." He knew they'd keep coming but they'd be in for a fight of there life if they did for they out numbered the blacks, 3 to 2, His wings shot out from his side instantly flared up, gaigantic of a wingspan of atleast ten feet or more, his eyes glowed silver as his orbs slanted and glared amoungst the evils. He had not a moment to say his greeting to Almase.
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. laugh . //Petrified// *r e c o v e r . -- Aswad, *Raya + Almase, 17:42:31 05/23/02 Thu (
Laughter rose from the strange beast. "Do you think I fear you? How interesting. You cannot compare with me. You see..." Lips are pulled out, revealing fangs, and foreleg lifted. Claws come into the light. "...I am well-equipped to deal with you." Horrid, evil chuckle follows, one to send shivers racing up and down the spine.
The femmora trembles, still petrified. She, *Raya, has never known such fear. A horse with fangs, and claws? While batlike wings are understandable, those are unheard of to her. Too petrified with fear to act, she stands, trembling.
On the other hand, recovery is swift for the one called Almase. Battles from the past are recalled by her body, and swiftly femmora darts forthwards, black-and-gold alicorn slashing 'cross the hurrok's neck. Trumpeting battlecry is emitted forth from parted lips, as whirling, hind hooves are send flying into the strange beast's obsidian barrel. Hooves return to position beneath her frame, and sharp nip placed 'pon the mare *Raya. "WAKE UP, IDIOT!" are the words spoken. "How come I ALWAYS seem to be rescuing you?!"
As she speaks, the hurrok Aswad reaches out, fangs gleaming sharply. His nip would likely draw blood if it landed.
Shaken out of her fear, *Raya lands her own nip 'pon the stallion Aswad's neck before his lands and replies, "Excuse ME? I think you've got it mixed up. As I recall it, YOU were the one who needed rescuing back in Cendre d' Secrete!"
Startled by the nip, the stallion draws back, then reaches out with a bit weaker of a nip on *Raya. Copy of it is placed upon Almase. Irritated by their actions, he places a wing on each's shoulder and transports the two and himself to a thicket far too think for them to break through. It would serve adequately as a cage until he returned for them. [IF midnight didn't do anything to interfere:] Breaking off physical contact with them, the hurrok transports only himself back to where the stallion Midnight In Montgomery stands. "I hope your threat still stands. It will be s o enjoyable seeing you on the ground bleeding as a result of my work." Sadistic smile spreads across facial features, revealing fangs, and claws flex, raking furrows in the earth underfoot. He awaits a response.
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 15:34:25 05/24/02 Fri (
He snorts and rears high towering and screaming out a whistle of a battle cry, his silver horn seemed to be attracting something unusual, glittering speaks surrounded it and the sun light seemed to only be coming to it. He then arched his neck quick as lightning after a moment, and a beam of solar powered lightning struck from it large and it was sent with all fource remaining in his body, any that looked at it would be sent with blindness at the light and power, He swung at the foolish stallion with his oynx hooves slicing at the stallions barrel. His own teeth struck out and grabbed at the stallions neck where it met his head, he tore at it, the horn began to glow again he arched his neck once more and the beam struck like greased lightning at the stallion with it's incredible deadly fource, he whistled after the powerful attak for the two mares.
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. attack . //Anger// * f r u s t r a t i o n . -- Aswad, *Raya + Almase, 05:55:17 05/25/02 Sat (
Strange beast keeps oculars, set forthwards 'pon the head, resolutely 'way from th' light. Rising into th' air 'pon masculine haunches, forelegs lash out, claws cutting into silver one's flesh, as wings keep well-muscled frame aloft. As they are the claws of predators, wounds inflicted by them are certain to be deep. Lightly landing 'pon all fours again, visage darts forthwards; fangs sink into th' other steed's haunches. A half-rear; claws seek purchase at a hind leg, a move to hamstring. Bite issued once more, yet to the neck, as fangs seek the jugular. He will fight, yes, but this strange beast is no fool. He will fight only until opportunity is given to retreat with those mares he has collected.
*Raya attempts to pace the limited amount of space within the makeshift cage. "I hate this!" she exclaims. "I hate being captured, I hate being imprisoned, I hate cages, and being helpless BUGS me!"
Her fellow captive, Almase, has to agree. "This is irritating!" Black-and-gold alicorn slashes at the bushes which form their area of captivation, seeking vainly to cut through the thick vegetation. An idea comes to her. "Wait...Can you become what you were when you fought the blackbloods? Only, can you focus all the light on one area in the bushes?"
*Raya tries this, but fails. "No, I don't even know how I did that!"
"Nevermind, don't wear yourself out. Stand back." Alicorn is held up to the light, but the sun is obscured by clouds. Likely, 'tis, that it will rain, which does not help matters..
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 06:39:10 05/25/02 Sat (
As the stallion reaches out with it's fangs for his haunches before the stallion can pull away he whirls around to catch the stallions neck beneth his clamping teeth, he rips at the stallions flesh, not letting go it is as if his jaws have locked upon the black. as he is still clamped the stallion swerves his head to the side stabbing his horn at the stallions wings and pulling back his head as if to rip them. He slashes at the stallions legs with his dicing hooves that slick through the air like a hot knife through melted butter. WHile still hooked onto the stallion he rams him with his side with all put forth force.
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. rip away . -- Aswad, 06:56:56 05/25/02 Sat (
Steed rips 'way from the stallion's grip. Wing is punctured, but strange beast can wait for it to heal. His power prevents him from needing to fly for transportation. Other attacks were still managed. Whirling, hind limbs are sent flying t'wards the other, and the maneuver is far more painful than usual, b'cause of predator's claws. Whirling, fangs sink into steed's flesh, then come back out b'fore the maneuver can be turned 'gainst him. A half-rear, as claws strike out once more, and visage snakes out, fangs once more seeking the jugular...
OOC: I'm assuming he didn't find the jugular before. Am I right?
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 12:43:07 05/25/02 Sat (
The stallion tears away from the black at that last sent attak none of the bites succecfuly hit the jugular. He charged for the stallions barrel, his neck arched and the sharpened knife like horn pointed straight towards the stallion in which was allready covered in the black blood from the stallions wings. He again stabbed towards the blakc's flank this time with back and forth ripping action. He pulled back once more towering into the air and crashing down pon the black with mighty force of his dicing hooves, he arched his neck once more stabbed at the stallion the silver horn gleemmed through the black thick blood, he stabbed at the stallion between two of his ribs with all his force, he removed his horn back and reared once more and grabbed at the top of the stallions neck ripping and tearing searching for the jugular as he moved down the blacks neck countinuing to rip at the stallion.
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. disappear . -- Aswad, 12:53:22 05/25/02 Sat (
Jugular still safe, creature gives one final round of attacks. Hind legs fly once more t'wards the steed, claws ripping at the silver's flesh; whirling, he rears, claws lashing out, slicing into his opponent's haunches. Landing, fangs attempt to hamstring the stallion, and then dart out again, seeking purchase at the neck. And then suddenly he disappears, appearing with the two captive mares. A wing extends to each of them, touching them 'pon the shoulder; and then, they are gone. All three have vanished for the terra. Before they go, Aswad remembers Solo, but she knows the way to her terra, surely, and will find her way.
OOC: In case you d o n ' t know, Rora, the way to Thundaiyil from here is Advani, Yashraj, Thundaiyil.
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 13:08:29 05/25/02 Sat (
His silver blood now rolled down him in many a'places now, But none of his precious veins were harmed. He raised his head gloriously proud of his win, he turned to see Raya and Alymase, he saw the stallion had took them, "Damn" he whispered. The black blood now trickled down pon' his head now from the horn. He whistled just to make sure for the two mares. He knew he had taken them, he snorts with anger. But he had seen the blackblood stallion's terra on the way to find his own, he was familar with the path to get there, this is where he would move onto. He quickly touched each of his wounds with his haron and the blood stopped coming and immedaitly healed. He galloped quickly to the large pond in the middle of the terra. and dipped the horn and the top of his head into the water washing away the black blood. he looked t'wards the trail he knew he must go, and quick as greased lightning took to it to find and help the two mares.
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