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//Grin// * w a t c h . <-@curiousity .;stare -- *Raya, Almase, Mulan + Sombra, 13:42:58 05/29/02 Wed (
Orbs light up with th' equine equivalent of a grin. "This is Mulan," she nuzzled th' ashen filly, "and this is Sombra." Now repeating th' gensture to th' raven colt.
White filly watches, curiousity filling young femora's gaze. Who is this winged steed, 'e who her mother greeted with such happiness? Is he her father?
Sombra's cold stare is something different entirely, filled with fire, if to be frozen and burning at once is possible. Orbs calmly assess this stallion; a silver, obviously, and th' colts blackblood heritage 'as already been noted. Th' winged one cannot be his father; but then, who?
Silverblood unicorn watches th' twins. Different, th' two are, and not just in appearance. No, it is something in their two natures. Both shall be watched, 'though th' black one, more closely. No chances can be taken.
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 19:03:47 06/02/02 Sun (
He whickered to her lowly,out of joy,"the two are fine foals" He saw the fillys reaction but the colt he could see within his eyes he was enitrly different, he could tell there was something evil that none would break within this foal. He starred for a moment at the young colt. Then returned his gaze to Raya, He wondered what she would tell the foals, what relation would would she tell them he would be.
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