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Date Posted: 18:51:52 07/14/04 Wed
Author: Jarryd Boyd
Subject: Re: starkville tournament
In reply to: craig cox 's message, "Re: starkville tournament" on 16:28:39 07/14/04 Wed

Yea I know who else is my coming: My brother, Mr. Dwayne Dendy, Mr. Jason Dendy, and so on. Plus I will have my LSU flag and I don't care about any other bulldogs, because they will bow down to the greatest school alive today. Just messing with you.

>hey Jarryd. sure...go ahead and bring your LSU flag.
>it'll give me extra motivation to beat you in the
>ring! haha. yea right, like that'll happen. haha. but
>for real...the Sanderson Center opens up to us MSU
>students that day at noon, and if they come in and see
>an LSU flag in their building, well...you can use your
>imagination as to what might happen! we'd get to see
>just how good you really are!haha. just messin with
>ya. can't wait to see ya there to catch up! do you
>know who else is coming??
>>Hey Craig. I have a question. Is it ok for me to
>>bring my L.S.U. flag? I take that as a yes. I am
>>only messing with you, but I will bring it anyway.
>>>Just wanted to remind everyone of the Region 116
>>>Tournament coming up in Starkville, Mississippi on
>>>August 7th. It's going to be held in the $19 million
>>>Frank Sanderson Center, the Mississippi State
>>>University student recreational center. And don't
>>>forget...Grand Master Soon Ho Lee will be our very
>>>special guest. You don't want to miss it! If you have
>>>any questions, please call Baskin's Black Belt
>>>at 662-338-5282 or visit the regional tournament
>>>website: tournament.ataacademy.com. Can't wait to see
>>>all of you there!

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