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Subject: Seperated from hubby

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Date Posted: 12:28:44 01/04/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: cache01.flow.com.au/

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
My hasband is married to 2 women and i happen to be his 2 wife.
he recently left me for no major arqument or issue saying he wants me to be %100 change or else he wont see me or spend time with me aswell as not sleep in my home.
So for the passed few days he sleeps with his brother in my nights and dosnt spend my day with me either.
When i asked a locale shielh regarding this issue the shiekh said he could do it if he has a reason for it(being seperated from me).
He bisted me for 5 minuts to ask if i need something.
I cant cook cuz im too deppressed to cook and i cant eat he knows that i am anaimic and i cannot eat when im sad nor can i sleep.
I feel very sad for i dont know what is in his heart and what action he will take next and its a big torture for ime to be all alone.
He said he wont stop punishing me this way till i be the way he wants me to be or he will continue punishing me than divource me.pls i really need to know if his action is justified in Islaam
barak Allahu feekum
Wa Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah

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[> Subject: Re: Seperated from hubby

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 23:30:36 01/04/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-181-243.woh.rr.com/

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

We do not answer questions pertaining to giving advise. We suggest you deal with your personal Imam with these sorts of questions. Your Imam is correct your husband does have a right to refuse the bed if he is angry at something you are doing that you have not made an attempt to change. If you do not know what he is angry for then again contact your Imam and have him to mediate between you and your husband. If you are not satisfied with this Imam then find another one to mediate. There is nothing we can do for you here on the internet in regards to this.

Laila Nasheeba

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