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Subject: Re: Learning the deen better

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 09:59:31 01/05/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-181-243.woh.rr.com/
In reply to: UmAbdullah 's message, "Learning the deen better" on 01:09:52 01/05/03 Sun

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

First of all , we suggest you join our website and participate in our classes offered LIVE about Islam. This weeks topic for the tawheed class is WHAT IS BIDAH. Follow the instructions above to join our LIVE voicechat room of learning.

Bidah is to introduce anything into Islam that was not introduced by the prophet(saw). The Prophet(saw) said he who introduces something new into this religion will have it rejected [Bukhari and Muslim]

Celebrating anyones birthday including the Prophets(saw) is bidah because he did not do this neither did any of his companions.

A womans voice is NOT awrah meaning that is it not haraam for a woman to talk. In regards to talking on the internet.. if she is teaching Islam to others then there is nothing wrong with this as long as she does NOT make her voice Soft or seductive. Reading Poems to men is of no benefit for what is it teaching about islam? Also reading poems involves changing the voice so this should be avoided. Also if a woman is married she can not talk to any men unless she has her husband's knowledge and approval. The internet is a very dangerous medium missused by many and the cause of many divorces of this ummah.

In regards to your last question the difference between a Muslim and a Mumin or Believer is their level of Faith. A muslim is one who submits to Allah but a believer is one who submits to Allah and obeys his commands and tries his best to never delibverately disobey or invoke his anger. The believer hears and obeys and lives his life in accordance to Allah and his prophet"s laws.

Many people are Muslims but few are true belivers.

Again... join the website to learn more about your religion.


Laila Nasheeba

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