Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 08:26:49 01/14/03 Tue
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As Salaamu Alaikoum,
Lets get a few things straight here... Laila NEVER told anyone that they can shorten their salats based on KM because Laila doesnt know what a KM is..we do not use this term or procedure in USA....instead, Laila has taught and supplied the evidence from Quran and Sunnah (as you can see if you scroll down on this board and read the questions).. where the Prophet(saw) used to shorten and COMBINE his prayers when TRAVELING from ONE CITY TO ANOTHER:
Ibn al-Qayyim says: "The Prophet would pray only two rak'at for those prayers which consisted of four, whenever he traveled until he returned to Medinah. And it is not confirmed that he ever prayed four rak'at [while traveling], and none of the imams differ on this point, although they do differ about the ruling of shortening the salah."
Ibn al-Munzhir says: "I do not know of the Prophet shortening his salah during any of his travels until after he had left Medinah."
In regards to your case of living in one city and working in another..the majority of the scholars rule that since you drive this distance everyday as part of your life and are not just doing it for four days that you should continue to pray your salats without shortening them. This is the opinion of all four of the Imaams.
In regards to combining 2 salats together when traveling on a journey, Most of the people of knowledge are of the opinion that it is permissible to combine two prayers during the time of either one of them while traveling, regardless of whether the person is actually on the road or has stopped at a place for some time:
Kuraib reported that Ibn 'Abbas said: "Shall I not inform you of the salah of the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam during a journey?" We said: "Certainly." He said: "If the sun passed its meridian while he stopped, he would combine the zuhr and 'asr prayers before remounting [i.e., moving on]. If the sun had not passed its meridian while he had stopped [i.e., before breaking camp], he would travel until the time of the 'asr prayer and then he would combine the zuhr and 'asr prayers. If the sun set while he had stopped, he would combine the magrib and 'isha prayers. If that did not occur while he had stopped, he would ride until the 'isha time and then combine them." This is related by Ahmad.
In regards to making duaa after salat or raising hands when making them after salat.. THIS IS NOT FROM THE SUNNAH OF THE PROPHET(SAW). The Prophet made Duaa DURING salat while either in Sujood or after the final Tashahud. After salat he would Dhikr by reciting Allahs attributes.. so no you will not find any SAHIH hadiths to support this innovation:
Reported Thauban, "When the Prophet would finish his prayer, he would seek Allah's forgiveness three times and then say, 'O Allah, You are the peace, and from You is peace. You are filled with good, O Sublime and Honorable One." This is related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari. Muslim has the addition, "Waleed said, 'I asked al-Auza'i, 'How did he seek Allah's forgiveness?' He said, 'By saying, 'I seek Allah's forgiveness, I seek Allah's forgiveness, I seek Allah's forgiveness."
Ka'b ibn 'Ajrah related that the Prophet said, "There are certain statements which, if one were to utter or observe them at the end of every obligatory prayer, one would not be dismayed. (They are) glorifying Allah thirty-three times, praising Allah thirty-three times and extolling His greatness thirty-four times." (Related by Muslim. )
In regards to wudu, you do not have to make a wudu over if you did nothing to break it:
Said Anas ibn Malik, "The Prophet, upon whom be peace, used to make ablution for every prayer." He was asked, "And what did you people use to do?" Malik said, "We prayed the prayers with one ablution unless we nullified it." (Related by Ahmad and al-Bukhari . )
I know there is a problem with the english brother being that it is not your language, but I pray you can understand what is written here. If you need more interpretation I suggest you join the website and ask sister Ayesha_NL of the netherlands to translate this into dutch for you...
Laila Nasheeba