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Subject: combining prayers

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Date Posted: 16:46:57 01/16/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: cache-haw.cableinet.co.uk/

Asalama Aleikum

I am at college and now that it is winter, maghrib time is quite early, it begins when i am on my way home, but there is no where for me to stop and pray, is it permissible for me to combine asr and maghrib, the only proplem is that i cannot pray at the end of asr and beginning of maghreb as the prophet pbuh did, i can pray about 30 mins b4 magrib or earlier b cos there is no prayer area available after that, what can i do??

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[> Subject: Re: combining prayers

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 05:54:07 01/17/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-181-243.woh.rr.com/

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

There is no excuse to deliberately miss a salat...including College. You MUST pray your salats on time and the only time you are allowed to combine salats is if you are a traveler which in this case you are not. Combining salats such as this is NOT acceptable.

You must FEAR ALLAH and make your salats. You can go outside and pray in your car. You can pull over if driving and stop the car and pray. You can take a break from class and find an abandoned room to pray in. Just as we take a break to go to the bathroom, you need to take a break and go make salat.

If something interfers in your worship of Allah, you do not give up the worship of Allah.. instead you give up that which interfers with him.

May Allah increase our Imaan and bring us closer to him,


Laila Nasheeba

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