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Subject: backbiting

naeemah zakiya
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Date Posted: 18:10:56 01/20/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ah04.proxy.aol.com/

As salaamu alaykum,
I want to know as a muslimah, what do i do in this type of situation? I was backbitten, and slandered, and it was brought to me from a sister i know, and the statement was made by another sister. i was hurt, because it was said in a bad way. the sister said, "what sister "a" said about you is right, you are (blank)". the statement is false, i did nothing wrong, but i feel funny hanging, and talking with these two sisters knowing they where talking about me behind my back, with no basis. do i just forgive and forget, do i confront, or what? i do not want to go against islam in any way within this situation, which is petty but hurt me, or any other situation, insha allah, allahu alim.

as salaamu alaykum

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[> Subject: Re: backbiting

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 18:24:10 01/20/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-181-243.woh.rr.com/

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

Whenever an injustice is done against a Muslim you have one of two choices to exercise. Either you can approach the person and seek justice or you can choose to forgive and forget. Whatever choice you make is up to you..


Laila Nasheeba

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