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Subject: Lying to non muslim parents

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Date Posted: 06:07:25 01/27/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

I reverted to Islam a month ago. I made my shahada here in overseas as I am away from my parents for 5 years for my university. I have told my mother about my conversion, and she did not disagree. However, she actually does not know what Islam is. ( I am from Japan, and there are not many muslims there)
After the conversion, I finally made up my mind to marry this muslim man that I have known for a while here. Then I talk to my mother about it, then she got furious. She thinks that I should be fininshing my study first and marry after the graduation. However, I wanted to marry as soon as possible as I do not want to commit a great sin anymore by contacting this man. I truly got married only for fearing Allah.
My mother said if I marry now she will not send any money for tuition fee. She said she doesnt mind that I marry the man but not now. I really cannot afford to pay for it. So I lied to her that I will not marry now. I sometimes feel sad for the fact that I lied to my mother and she doesn't know that I am married(had nikah). I did'nt register the marriage in Japan and here in overseas.
Have I done a right thing ? We are very careful not to have a child until I insyallah graduate in the end of the year.

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