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Subject: Several questions

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Date Posted: 22:55:40 01/28/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: ncroes04.telenet-ops.be/

As salaam alaikoem, (1) When making woedoe in a forbidden time for prayer, may i do a soennah salat with 2 rakaat for the woedoe i did? (2) When doing the witrprayer at night, is it allowed to pray between that Witr and Fadjr again several prayers with 2 rakaat. (3) I did hear you talking live or on tape, after prayer to recite SoebhanAllah, Alhamdoellilah, Allahoe akbar several times, i toucht it has to be recite 33 times, as i understand you told, the Prophet did it sometimes 10, 30, 50 ... times. The amound should depends on how much you want to recite. Then i do not understand why count is necessery. Can you explain? Wa alaikoem salaam

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[> Subject: Re: Several questions

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 09:13:23 01/29/03 Wed
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-177-110.woh.rr.com/

As Salaamu Alaikoum

Praise be to Allah.

There are 3 times in which we are forbidden to pray: At sunrise, sunset and when the sun is in its zenith. That means you make no prayers during these times.

Witr prayer is offered any time AFTER Isha and ENDS at fajr:

Abu Tamim al-Jishani relates that 'Amr ibn al-'Aas was addressing the people during a Friday Khutbah and he said: "Abu Basra related to me that the Prophet said: 'Verily, Allah has added a prayer for you, and it is the witr prayer. Pray it between salatul 'isha and salatul fajr.'" Abu Tamim said: "Abu Zharr took me by my hand and we went in the mosque to Abu Basra and [Abu Zharr] said: 'Did you hear what 'Amr just said from the Messenger of Allah?' He answered: 'I heard it from the Messenger of Allah!"' [This is related by Ahmad with a sahih chain.]

In regards to dhikr, the prophet(saw) would recite these after salat in accordance to different hadiths such as:

Ka'b ibn 'Ajrah related that the Prophet said, "There are certain statements which, if one were to utter or observe them at the end of every obligatory prayer, one would not be dismayed. (They are) glorifying Allah thirty-three times, praising Allah thirty-three times and extolling His greatness thirty-four times." (Related by Muslim. )

The Prophet would say each of the following twenty-five times: Subhaan Allah, al-hamdu lillah, Allahu akbar and La ilaha illa Allah, wa ashadu anna la shareeka lahu. Lahu al-mulk wa lahu al-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shaian qadeer (There is no god except Allah, the One. He has no partner. His is the dominion, His is the praise, and He has power over all things.)

Remember these are all Sunnah acts of the prayer which means you do not have to do them but we do them for the extra reward.

Allah likes good deeds that are consistent and done within our capabilities [Bukhari and Muslim]

Islam is not a hardship. We count to keep track of how many times we are reciting our praises.


Laila Nasheeba

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