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Subject: what should i do

abdu alwahid
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Date Posted: 15:48:57 02/03/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: h68-146-164-177.cg.shawcable.net/

assalalmu alikum sister laila

im a 13 year old boy and i have a 2 year old lill brother who is blind and i live with my uncle because my parents deid in an accident and my uncle is beating me up a lot i mean every day and last week he nocked my little bro out and made him go to the hospital and when the people at the hospital asked what happened i tolf them that lill bro felll down the stairs. so im not sure what to do i dont go to the mesjid and i dont know any muslim freinds exept those people on msn but i dont have any relitives and im scared and worried because lill bro is 2 small 2 be beaten and i neeed advice, i also dont wana go 2 the social workers cause theyll prbably seperate us and put us in non muslim homes and he beats us up for almost nothing mostly its when lill bro starts 2 cry o so what should i do i need advice and i cant go on ur voicechat because i cant download anything so plz My hotmail is aloneleaveme@hotmail.com if u can plz add me on ur msn and if u dont have it u can download it off msn.ca o

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[> Subject: Re: what should i do

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 07:59:38 02/04/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-177-110.woh.rr.com/

As Salaamu Alaikoum,

Praise be to Allah.

It is sad that these things happen amongst Muslims. I understand that you dont want to contact social services because yes they will remove you from the home and possibly separate you and your brother. Also, Muslims should not go to the Kaafr for help anyways.

Here is what you need to do. Look in the phone book and CONTACT A MASJID IMMEDIATELY and ask to speak with the Imaam. Tell the Imaam over the telephone what your situation is so he can in turn talk to your uncle. Let the Imaam know that you are calling him because Allah forbids us to go to kaafir for help and you do not want them to put you and your brother in kaafr homes. The Immam needs to tell this man to fear Allah. Try to call a Masjid that is on the Quran and Sunnah.

If you cant find a Masjid from the Phone book.. use this link to contact the closest Masjid to you:


Try to use a masjid that is known for having a good Imaam. Perhaps your friends on MSN can help in advising as to whether a masjid is good or not.

Also please make duaa asking Allah to protect you and your brother from the evils of your uncle and mankind and Jinn.

Be sure to also pray and make your salats for the salat is also a protection for you.

Inshallah I will make duaa for you and we pray Allah puts some fear of him in the heart of you uncle so he will stop his abusiveness.

Laila Nasheeba

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