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Subject: Salat

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Date Posted: 14:03:46 02/06/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ah04.proxy.aol.com/

Asalam Aleikum,

My first question is what does "rab igfirlee wa irhamnee" mean and are we supposed to say it during Salat and when exactly?

My second question is when during Salat are we supposed to say the Thanaa' ("Subhaanakalla humma...ghai ruka.") and please explain it in detail (i.e. where should i place my hands, am i standing/sitting).

My third question is please explain to me about when in Salat to make Dua'a. If in between, then exactly when? If possible, please support your answer with any ahadeeth or other source.

My fourth question is really hard for me to explain, but I will do me best. For example, during Zuhr Salat, we have mandatory 4 rakaats Farz, in addition to other Sunnat and Nafil rakaats that aren't mandatory. When I go to pray my 4 Rakaats (for any Salat) is it divided up into two sets of two Rakaats? Or are all the four rakaats said in simply four Rakaats? Also, is the Durood only recited ONCE (at the final rakaat after reciting Thashahud) if I was doing, for example, 2 Rakaats Nafil for Zuhr Salaat? Or is the Durrod always recited in after the Thashahud? If you answered that YES DUA'A IS SAID WHILE WE ARE PERFORMING SALAT, then would we recite the "Dua'a After the Durood" ("Allahuma inee zalam tu nafsee zulman...ghafoo rur raheem.") immediately after Durood?

My fifth question is if a prayer rug (I forget the proper name for it) is absolutely necessary to perform Salat? What alternatives are there because I have no way of getting a prayer rug at the moment. Meanwhile, and may Allah forgive me if I am wrong, I use a large towel (which is clean and not used like a normal towel but for my Salat only).

My sixth question is that was it okay for me to get my Salat Time Table offline? It is for the entire month from IslamiCity.com. Are online Salat timings accurate? If they are not, is my Salat still counting? Am I to be performing Salat EXACTLY, for example for Mahgrib Salat, when the clock strikes 5:29pm tonight? Or is 5:29pm the time I should begin my wudu?

My seventh question is that is it okay for me to recite Surah Ikhlas during every Rakaat after reciting Surah Fatiha because I haven't memorized that many Surahs yet? Is it makrough?

My eight question is how many times are we supposed to say "Subhana rabiyal azeem" and "Subhana rabiyal alla" while in Rukoo and Sajdah, respectively? Is it Sunnah to say it more than the minimum number of times?

My ninth question is regarding mistakes. For example, I must be honest with you that during Salat (when trying to do 4 Rakats) I forget if this is the Rakat that I am supposed to stay seated after Sajdah and recite Tashahud or if I am to get up and begin a new Rakaat. In other words, I forget which Rakat number I am in. Particularly, this happens during Zuhr and Isha Salats. What should I do when I find myself in such a situation?

My tenth question is regarding the two Salats (correct me if I'm wrong) that are offered BEFORE Fajr and after Isha. I know the one after Isha is called Witr Salat. I don't know the name of the Salat before Fajr, however. Is performing these two Salats Sunnah or mandatory? What is their significance? Please tell me of a website, if possible, that will give me ample detail as to how to perform these two salats (i.e. how many Rakats, body position, intention, their timings, etc.).

My eleventh question is why is it that women (as I have noticed in Jummah Salat while praying in congregation at Masjid) do the Salam (as Salat ends) AFTER the Imaam says the Salam and looks to his right. Is this an innovation or traditional?

I have been informed of the following through a hadith I read, but please correct me when I am wrong. When one prays at home they are to place an object (there was a particular name for that object but I do not recall it) before their prayer rugs so that no one will walk in front of them. If someone walks in front of them, then the person praying person is to stop that other person by force to not cross them praying because Shaytan is forcing them to walk in front of a praying person. If this is correct, is the person, in the middle of Salat, supposed to put Salat on hold (or break it?) and then go to stop the person from crossing them? What if the person who crosses in front of you while praying does so but is about two or three feet away and not directly in front of you? Does one's Salat automatically break if someone crosses in front of them? What is one to do when their house is small and crowded and performing Salat anywhere will result in someone walking in front of them, not deliberately of course.

My thirteenth question is regarding facing the proper direction during Salat. I use the freeways to figure out which direction is which because I do not have a compass and there is no one I can ask. For example, near our house there is the 110 freeway north and south and from that I can tell where east is. I know that I must be at least a little wrong in this calculation if not entirely wrong. Please tell me a natural way (such as the spot where the Sun is at a certain time of day) that you know of so one can figure out which way is EXACTLY east.

Forgive me for so many questions but do know that your answers are GREATLY appreciated by me and highly important to me. And may Allah reward you accordingly.

Jazak Allahu Khayrun.

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[> Subject: Re: Salat

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 16:03:41 02/06/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-177-110.woh.rr.com/

As Saalamu Alaikoum,

To answer all your questions about salat, go to this link of our website and read the book written by Shaykh Albani which details how to perform salat the way the prophet(saw) did. The link is:


Also go to this link of our website and click on the link that fits your connection speed to watch the video of Shaykh Muhammad S Adly showing the correct way to perform salat.


When praying you should face the direction of the Qibla and you use the SUN to help determine that. You should face the direction in which the sun rises.

In regards to using a prayer rug to pray on, this is not a requirement of salat.

In regards to knowing what times to make salat, you should call your local masjid and ask them what time do they call the athan for the salats.


Laila nasheeba

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