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Subject: Striving to know the truth

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Date Posted: 22:06:01 02/06/03 Thu
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Assalamualaikum, sister. Thank you for answering my question on "Cutting women's hair" May Allah reward you for helping us to learn Islam.
After reading your reply, there is still a question about Hadiths. ( I did try to join the Quranic Chat, but I cannot somehow) I am still confused about which scholar I should listen to... The scholar that I talked to was famous and showed me a lot of hadiths which turned out to be NOT authentic resources according to you. At the time the hadiths was given to me, it seemed apparent. How can I distinguish whether the hadiths that a scholar gives me is authentic or not ? I have recently reverted to Islam, and I was given some false information from "Imam" and "scholar" so far...I have a few muslim friends who are also learning and we both dont always have answers. What would be the most effective way for us to learn the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.w.t ? I read some books on his life, but still need some help. Jazakallah Kahir Walaikumsalam

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[> Subject: Re: Striving to know the truth

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 00:28:43 02/07/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-177-110.woh.rr.com/

As Saalamu Alaikoum,

Praise be to Allah.

First of all, you need to affiliate yourself with a masjid that follows the Quran and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Sahabah without belonging to a sect.

Secondly, for those new to Islam we recommend that you read Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim hadith books. The reason we recommend these books is because they are the most authentic of all hadith books and no scholar of islam would dare to challenge their authenticity. Also, 85 percent of the knowledge of Islam is in Bukhari and Muslim.

In regards to how can you tell an authentic hadith from a non-authentic one.. for one thing.. if it is authentic, most likely it will say that it was classed as authentic by the reputable scholars.

Again.. do not judge a person by his so called fame. If he or she were all that knowledgeable of Islam and had true understanding of this religion he would not be using weak or fabricated hadiths with you. Also remember no one is more famous than Shaytaan...


Laila Nasheeba

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