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Subject: The Muslim Lifestyle

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Date Posted: 07:22:00 02/10/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Thank you for your last response (Re: Question about Islamic beliefs). I have another question. I'm curious as to how one lives a muslim life. It seems that it would be impossible for any human to do. With so many temptations that exist in the world today, how do you avoid them? If you see a man/woman that is very attractive, it is natural to have lustful thoughts, isn't it? How do you avoid this?

Also, what if I want to buy a candy bar. I don't really need the candy bar, I can live without it, and the 50 cents could probably feed a kid in Africa for a day. So is it a sin for me to eat a candy bar?

What if I want to watch a movie. The movie may contain violence and sexual content. Does the Quran teach against violence and sexual content? So is it a sin to watch a movie?

My point is that lots of the stuff we do everyday seems sinful and unavoidable. If I convert to Islam, do I have to stop eating candy bars and watching movies?


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[> Subject: Re: The Muslim Lifestyle

Laila Nasheeba
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Date Posted: 18:23:30 02/10/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: dhcp024-210-181-243.woh.rr.com/


I do not know if you are serious or playing but i will hope that you are serious. First of all the way we resist the Shaytaan is simple.. believing Muslims have love for Allah.. which makes us obey his commands...Fear of his wrath which makes it easy to say no to the Shaytaan..and we have Hope in his forgiveness which makes us turn to him in repentance when we do make a mistake.

Islam is a simple way of life. No where does our religion tell us that we can not buy a candy bar or enjoy the simple things in life just because others are being tested..We are not held accountable for the sins of others. In fact, christainity is the religion that teaches its followers that they share the sin of Adam and others.

In regards to watching movies, our religion only prohibits us from those things which will tempt or drive us to think to commit sin. If a movie involves no sins or things that tempt us to sin, then there is nothing wrong with watching it.

Again, Islam is a simple way of life. People make it hard on themselves.

May Allah guide you to the way of the righteous

Laila Nasheeba

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