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Subject: Re: Balance

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Date Posted: 16:44:37 02/21/02 Thu
In reply to: Maryann Molishus 's message, "Re: Balance" on 13:25:50 02/09/02 Sat

Hi Maryann,

Technology (especially web design) and art are definitely closely related. I talk about design ideas with the artists here at Springfield, even though they don't have much web design experience.

I liked how you compared the two news sites. I found the sites to be more similar than different. I will agree that MSNBC is more symmetrical. FoxNews seems to place priority from left to right. MSNBC was trying hard to make all of the information fit on one page. FoxNews has more on the front page. I like that better.

thanks for your thoughts.

>I read through the information about balance, and I
>noticed how closely connected art, technology, and
>marketing are. I guess it is really important to know
>your audience before you begin to design a web site.
>The ideas of symmetry seems to make sense to me. I do
>like things to look symmetrical--or so I think. As I
>looked at the sample student work, I was thinking that
>I preferred the symmetrical, but I think I spent more
>time looking at the asymmetrical pieces.
>There are two news sites that I compared:
>www.foxnews.com and www.msnbc.com. I found that the
>Fox News site was much more symmetrical. It used a
>sort-of rectangular pattern throught the sight. The
>colors were similar with blues and grays that set a
>"serious" news tone. There were not lots of images
>jumping about so I was able to focus on the
>information. There was a photo that stood out on the
>page and directed your eyes to the main story. The
>MSNBC site was much busier with various shapes and
>colors. The flashes of images also made it harder to
>focus. I wondered if Fox is geared for an older
>audience and MSNBC for a younger audience. Then I
>wondered if liking Fox better made me old! YIKES
>I agree that a site should have a balance in its
>pages. There should be something connecting all the
>pages so the the viewer is sure where he or she is.
>www.bugbios.com uses a hexagonal shape (beehive)
>througout its site and www.si.edu (Smithsonian) uses a
>similar banner on its pages with its sun logo placed
>on each page as well. The Smithsonian also creates
>balance on its homepage by using a building image with
>columns and then complementing it with columns of text
>on either side. It makes the site look very neat.

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