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Subject: Re: Examples of Balance

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Date Posted: 16:55:11 02/21/02 Thu
In reply to: Leah Fazio 's message, "Examples of Balance" on 18:46:33 02/11/02 Mon

Hi Leah,

I really liked your examples. You're right on target with matching pages and their design principles.

thegarden.com definitely places emphasis on the elements on the left of the page. I'm finding more and more sites tend to put the most important objects on the left site and make them stand out compared to the rest of the page.

cookinglight.com is my favorite site that you found. The colors and images used on the page are so cool. The site just makes me hungry.

>Leah Fazio
>I found the concept of rhythm intriguing. From the
>description offered, I was not sure I completely
>understood the concept. The formal aspects of design
>article described this element as “repetition of
>elements like lines, shapes and spaces to give the
>design vitality”. I searched for an example of this
>and came across two which I believe illustrate rhythm
>The first is a Dell computer site. There is a
>photograph of several people interacting. Throughout
>the picture are very thin, almost transparent lines.
>It reminded me of the screen effect that can be
>achieved through Photoshop. I believe the addition of
>these lines adds something to the picture making it
>more noticeable and appealing.
>The second example is for a travel web site. I
>believe the element of rhythm is achieved through
>placing the word “roadtrip” in white over the ribbed
>portion of a black car seat. The “grooves” in the
>black leather seat seem to make the featured word more
>Emphasis or Focal Point
>Once I read about focal points, I found it interesting
>to search sites in search of them. Many jumped right
>out at me, and these are those I considered to have
>been designed well. Other times, I felt there was no
>focal point, and I wondered if this is an error? Does
>there have to be a focal point?
>This site had a circle to the right of the page rimmed
>in white. Within the circle were flashing pictures of
>events held at Madison Square Garden. It was the
>first thing that caught my attention and then held it
>due to the animation. The links are coming off of the
>circle and are definitely something one would notice
>after the pictures flashing within the circle.
>I thought this was a solid example of focal point.
>All other features on the page seemed to fade compared
>to this element.
>Complimentary Colors
>Balance Colors
>I really like this web site. I feel it is unassuming
>and attractive. This site uses complimentary colors,
>a bit of red, shades of green, and white. The colors
>are very appealing and not too bright or too dull.
>The complimentary colors are used nicely to emphasize
>the focal point, a piece of steak. The steak is
>backed by a white background, which contrasts nicely
>with the picture and surrounding colors.

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