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Subject: Re: Balance

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Date Posted: 17:05:04 02/21/02 Thu
In reply to: Tom McLaughlin 's message, "Re: Balance" on 17:10:50 02/12/02 Tue

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the links and comments. I hope you found the articles on balance interesting.

I think maybe I'm more conservative than most. I like the att.com site and it's symmetry.

The burton.com site might actually be a little too creative for my liking. I think it's geared toward a different audience. It's definitely unique.

>Site #1. www.burton.com
>In keeping with snowboard style, this site starts off
>in a completely original way - with a "handwritten
>note on a crumpled piece of paper" on the extreme left
>of the page. Then, there is nothing at all on the
>rest of the page.
>The next page (you do not have a choice) is again
>asymmetrical, color on the left in the form of torn
>duct tape looking backgrounds for links, with white
>background throughout the page. Probably the coolest
>looking graphic is a picture that is given depth by
>making it appear stacked haphazardly on top of other
>polaroids The same logo appears on each page in
>different colors and sizes, but the format on each
>page changes dramatically from page to page. All
>colors appear to be a white or a muted/soft grey.
>Site #2. www.kingsdominion.com
>This site carries the same color schemes throughout.
>It follows a crystallographic balance, for there are
>pictures of the various rides 'coming through' a
>transparent blue, and then there are other focal
>points designed to catch your eye. The logo, park
>name, and colors are everpresent, regardless of which
>page you are on.
>Site #3. www.att.com
>Balanced symmetrically. There is a logo at the top
>left and an add of similar size at the top right.
>Then there are four subsections with pictures that fit
>the section (i.e. there is a picture of a mother and
>daughter for 'consumers' and a person on a bike for
>'wireless'). This is interesting because the bottoms
>of the pictures have a wave-like cut, to keep your
>attention. Then the page is split into three columns
>- skinny in the middle, and equal on the sides. As
>you link to other pages, the format is similar, using
>like colors, fonts, logo, etc., but the columns are
>now thin on the sides and wider in the middle,
>allowing for more text based information.

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