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Date Posted: 13:53:17 01/25/02 Fri
Author: The second
Subject: A second eagerly follows

This one is positioned in the middle of the nest, and once the first is hatched, the second eagerly follows, encouraged by the first's success. The egg splits wide open in seconds, and the shimmering feathers of a Vorcel-tri emerge. Cooing, this one anxiously looks around the cliffside for its Found, a picture fixed in its mind of a 14 [just today] year old, with a Murok by her side, one covered in fire and shadow. But she cannot find her anywhere. Crying, she wails piteously piteously, and the color of her feathers becomes clear. The underlaying layer is that of a tawny brown, but most of the body is covered in a clear, silvery grey. Lifting her delicate pinions to the wind, she again cries out, her eyes taking on an expression of sadness. However, she will wait on this nest, forever if need-be, for this one she has Found and chosen to come to her. The mother cries out, a screaming cry demanding that the one who her daughter, her favorite daughter, come and Find this one, now.

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