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Subject: Sephiroth trains and buys a sword

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Date Posted: 06:20:09 02/14/02 Thu

By the way i should still be updated from my training of the 12th and the 13th. ( inc ase you would forget )
I would also like to be buy a zet sword for $900.

learning heart of darkness day 2 of 7.......

I was searching around planet inferno to find a proper spot to train but then all of a sudden a big demon apeared in front of me!!!
I checked my scouter and the demno had a power level of 50000!
Damn i gotta get outta here i thought by myself!
But the demon started talking with a deep and evil voice...
Demon : i see that there is great evil inside your hart! your even learning heart of darkness!
That is right... i told him.
Well then i can help you gettin more evil and stronger! the demon said calm..
I asked him why i would wanna do so and he answert that he wanted to good people out of the way but that his power was sealed..
I agreed first kilin the great and noble paladin Kamir of the 7 swords.
So i went to his castle and saw all guards running around with power levels of 1000-2000.
They all attacked me with their little spears but i blocked it all and fired ki blasts all over the palace.
I was lauching hard mwuhahahahaahah !!!!
But then after 5 mins of fireing ki blasts Kamir of the 7 swords apeared.
!!! he has 6 arms! i screamed! were is the 7th? kamir the cocky?
I am the 7th sword my " friend " ... i am as strong as one!
oh and so you are.... i said to him... i checked my scouter to find his power level and it apeared to be at 25000... mine should be around there also..... a little higher i gues..
I am here to kill your ass! so bring it on Kamir!!
Kamir flew towards and started swinging his swords towards and i started blocking all of his attacks.
Tsssuauauau!!!! yelled Kamir.
I got hit in the face and blood came of it!
Kamit you @&*(@&(!!! your gonna pay !!!
I charged up and a trew hunderds of deathballs at him wich he deflected with his swords.
Raaaaa!!!! i made a big death ball and when he tryt to deflect it his swords all broke!!!
My swords!!!!!!!
Now we were goining 1 on 1 with just fists..
Tssua! ha! ho! ho!
We were in heavy battle and the air shaked everytime we hit eachother!!
Then after 1 hour of heavy battle or so we were both exausted.....
Lez do this.... beam vs beam....
We both super charged up......
Both of the beams hit eachother and we tryt overwelming eachother for 5 minutes but none of us could gain the upperhand!!
We were both goining crazy of rage and my eyes were turning tottaly white...
Then i saw one of his swords on the ground and i used my mind power t raise to the sky and i launched it towards him!!
Holy Y*@(@(*)&@)(*&U)!!!! **************** kamir said!!
He tryt to dodge it but he had to release his beam and i pusht myself ot the limit and overwelmed his beam...
Kamir could barely dodge it and his left arm was gone and blood was spraying out!!!!
aahhhh auu!!!! aauuu!! the pain!!!!!! he screamed loud.
AHAHAHAHAHHAAH you fool!! you should know that you cannot beat the great sephiroth!!!
you!! you!! little &(&@&@!!!! he sweared at me...
I told him to @&()@&()@ and @*()@*)@ and ********* and then...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO kamir was caught in the beam and was gone....
MUahahahahahhaamowahhahaahah i defeated him!! boy that feels good!! killing the good feeels good! ahahaahrraaraa!!! Demon!!! show yourself i defeated him!!!
And so you did.... the demon was there..
You have done well i must say but i will elave you know and come back later...
Hey am i evil now?!?!? i told him
haha you think you can become evil just like that!? your defenitly not GOOD but pur evil... see to learn heart of darkness first to become evil.. late you can become pure evil.... farewell. the demon said and he aws gone.
WHAT!?!?!?!? DEMON?!?!? AAGRH!!!
I was really pissed an unleashed my hechmen and tottaly beat the up adn then shot them with thousands of ki balls and blasts...
After that i had no more power left so i went to the spacepod to recover a little.. its 3 x gravity
* note alignment down *

USed : heavy weights , henchmen , spacepod ( to recover ) , weighted clothing level 2 ( for move learning )

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Re: Sephiroth trains and buys a swordGoten07:16:51 04/08/02 Mon

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