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Subject: Sephiroth trains , buys and starts learning a power up

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Date Posted: 01:52:55 02/13/02 Wed

First i would like to buy weighted clothing level 2 for $1000.
And i would liek to start learning the power up hart of darkness to become evil. ( 10 days - 25 % = 7 days ).


Somewere on planet inforno the great sephiroth was training...

9989!... 9990!..... 9991!.....9992!.....9993!......9994!...9995!....9996!....9997!....9998!...9999!..10000!!!!
Sephiroth just did 10000 push-ups with 1 hand behind his back.
Sephiroth back flipped back up and wiped of his forhead.
Then he started charging up his power and when he was done he unleashed his henchmen.
The 2 of the vampiric henchmen flew towards sephiroth and they went into melee combat.
1 of the vampires trew a nail-attack at seph but he blockt it with is arm.
Then the other 1 disapeared and reapeared up in the sky and launched a ki blast towards sephiroth.
The other vampired shot an eye beam so sephiroth was now attacked by 2 sides.
Sephiroth used his powerfull aura to deflect the eye beam then concentrated it and launched a big ki blast to counter the henchmans.
The 2 blasts hit eachother and after short time sephiroth's blast overwelmed the henchmans!
The henchman got burned badly....
The other henchmen now attacked sephiroth but sephiroth flew up high in the sky and launched a Bukurikima at him.
He dodged it so the Bukurikima went straight into the ground making a huge explosion!!! Lava was coming out the ground of planet inforno!!
Sephiroth quikly trew a death ball into a mountain to make it collaps and the lava was trapped....
The 2 henchmen attacked him once again but sephiroth disapeared and with great speed he went into a nearby forest.
The hench followed him an started blowing the forest up.
But sephiroth grapped 2 large oaks and started swinging them at the henchmen who were hit and they flew trough the forest leaving a trail of fallen trees.
Sephiroth charged up energy for a galic ho but one of the henchmen apeared behind him and got him in a stranglehold!
Then the other started trowing punches and kicks at seph!!
Against the jaw , the stomach , his face everywere!!!
Blood was all over the place!!
But sephiroth also saw blood in front of his eyes and got really pissed!
He exploded in rage and was released from the hold.
He charged up for a galic ho! bigger then he had ever made one!!
He super charged up for 3 minutes leaving the henchmen paralyzed from fear!!
Sephiroth screamed and launched his mega galic ho to one of the vampires and he suffert instant dead being transported back to his prison ( henchmen dont die in training )!!
The other one tryt to run but sephiroth trew hunderds of death balls and ki blasts to him!!
Sephiroth lauched hard while he saw that the henchman was turned into %^@(*&*(!!! toast!
Now that seph was alone left to train he fired death balls into the air for 5 mins and then let them come back to him!!!
It was raining death balls and sephiroth was shooting them or blocking them... But then 1 hit seph and he fell down and it was raining death balls on seph!!!
2 mins later....
Seph was really fed up after the death balls and he had almost no energy left...
So he used his final power to go to his saiyan pod to recover...
He would recover real soon..... and train another day!
Its 3 x gravity

Used : heavy weights , henchmen , saiyan space pod ( to recover after heavy training ) weighted clothing level 2 ( for power up learning )

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Re: Sephiroth trains , buys and starts learning a power upGohan07:13:32 04/08/02 Mon

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