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Date Posted: 06:20:48 07/18/00 Tue
Author: Dave Ferguson
Subject: Release, Golf Magazine - Peter please read

From your posts you seem to have worked hard on the release.
I'm putting my swing together piece by piece. Thanks to Remington I've settled on the grip. Related to this is the "no knuckles showing" left hand grip that you advocate. This is necessary to prevent a hook with the right hand in a strong position. I have also had to go one step further by not rotating the arms. This is all preamble to some ideas picked up from Golf mag and Doug Sanders on Academy Live.

Point 1:
This month's Golf Magazine has an article on the release. It states that "As the arms pass in front of the body on the downswing, the right arm naturally rotates over the left". He further states that this rotational force adds speed and helps square the clubface.

In another post we have already discussed the speed issue. I agree with you that rotation it isn't a major factor on the other hand I believe that the release is. More on that in a second.

As to squaring the club face I don't get it. For SA players the left arm (top rail) is above the right arm at setup and the club face is square. This is the same position at impact ie no arm over arm rotation. Certainly I have to do this or the ball will hook like crazy.

Ok so what is the release? Here's an idea I've been working on. There are two types of arm rotation i) The whole arm from the shoulder ii) The forearm only from below the elbow.

With CG the wrist unhinging happens at the same time as the right arm rotating over the left. I'm thinking that becaus they happen at the same time that this source of the confusion about rotation providing power. Instead the wrist unhinging is probably more important. The important part is the club head lags prior to impact and passes the hands after impact. This is the basis for the impact backwards drills.

Suppose that we don't rotate the entire arm. With the wrist unhinging we should still have plenty of club head speed. The only concern might be if we inhibit this wrist motion by blocking any arm rotation. This would be result either, in the back of the left hand facing the sky well after impact, thereby losing the snap at the bottom of the swing or a backhand slap of the ball with the left wrist collapsing and no extension. Instead I'm thinking of keeping the left arm above or just even with the right arm on the follow through (ie no full arm over arm rotation from the shoulder) but allowing the freedom to for the wrists to unhinge by letting the forearms only rotate. When I do this the thumbs point up and both arms extend toward the target after impact.

This is where Doug Sanders comes in. It appeared that his follow through looked just like this with both arms extended to the target!

Related to this is that the left arm does not stay tucked into the left side after impact. I am allowing it to fold but only after both arms are extended to the target. The advantage here is that my shoulders aren't pulled around as the right arm runs out of room as they would be if I kept the left arm tucked. This helps to keep me from spinning.

Long post but I'd appreciate your comments.

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